The Person Below Me

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yeah. not really getting me too far tho with business slowing. :(

TPBM is not happy with hour cutting.
LOL, don't forget the sour cream!
all done.

TPBM will help me decide if i should clean tonight, goof tomorrow, or goof now, clean tomorrow...
How about doing half the cleaning and half the goofing tonight and then the same tomorrow?

TPBM is going shopping tomorrow for new bathmats, shower curtains, towels and sheets on the insurance company's tab.
nope. but i bet i know who is!!

TPBM is going to wake up to an empty sink!!!
yep, I don't like waking up to a full sink. It ruins my day...

is still waiting on dinner
nope, i have moved on to a quiet, lonely dessert!!!!

TPBM is catching up on Desperate housewives episodes.
...and dump cake!!!!

TPBM knows I will regret that tomorrow but I had salad for lunch. :)
lol.. I guess that's better than the meat pies, soup and doritos and hot chocolate with extra marshmellows that I had!

will have a large coffee for breakfast with extra shots of flavor
nope. no shots tomorrow. homestyle BLACK! :)

TPBM has to grocery shop tomorrow and best go EARLY to avoid the crowds.
I went today and got growled at by a mean old lady! I'm done until next week.

should go at 2:00am when no body else is there!!
lol no. tj just texted me and said he'll be home early and he'll go with me.
but not THAT early!!!!

TPBM has the same name as my most favorite person that i work with. (besides tj's mom)
I have leftover noodles... I need to make a sauce to go with them

needs more coffee still

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