The Restaurant

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
A friend of mine sent this to me ...
First, take the cable car up to the start of the trail.
image (1).jpg
Now follow the path of wooden planks.
image (2).jpg
Be sure to hold on to the 'railing,' the chain attached to the side.
image (3).jpg
Keep an eye on the person in front of you.
Be extra careful when passing someone going in the opposite direction.
image (4).jpg
Gets a little steeper here, so put your toes in the holes
image (5).jpg
A few more steps to go.
You might want to hold on.
image (6).jpg
Finally in sight.
image (7).jpg
This restaurant is in China.
If you manage to reach the restaurant the food is free.
Let me know how the food is - I'm not going.
Ha, ha, thanks k-girl! I have seen this before but not for a long time. At least you would really work up an appetite!
Gah! All sorts of things come to mind. After a few drinks, the trip back down would be even more interesting. Obviously, the place is not handicap-accessible. How do the restaurant employees get to work, helicopter?
Carrying groceries and supplies back up would be a real trip.
Doesn't matter if the chow is free or not. :rolleyes:
Doesn't matter if they serve the finest food in the world. :yum:

I'm going hungry. ;)

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