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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We haven't yet, but we will be through our church! :cool:

I assume the next person will think of toast soon!:LOL:
How did you know? I like toast.

The next poster is thinking of getting rid of their #$@#$#% computer and getting a new one.
I have been thinking that FOREVER!!!!

I assume teh next person is going to enjoy their day back to

I assume the next person will have labor day left overs for lunch?

You got it Tanis:LOL: right on the money!!

I assume the next person, is ready to eat supper?


I assume the next person, is thinking about a bedtime snack?

Nope... my 21 year old stays up a little later than 8 o'clock. ( he's on his way over to visit! I'm so glad!

I assume the next person will want to sleep in later than they are able to
tomorrow morning.
yes, but I have to rise and shine, all three boys are mine tomorrow...Wheee :LOL:

I assume the next person is getting ready to post a reply tonight?

Yep, I'm on my way.

I assume the next person
will sleep well and dream sweet??
Are you talking about me?:LOL: I don't have to dream I have Barbara !:cool:

I assume the next person knows how Lucky I am! :rolleyes:
I am now!!!

I assume the next person should be doing something rather than sitting here enjoying all our antics!!!
You sure got that right.

I assume the next person is waiting for the person they
love to come home.

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