Thursday, 8/3/2017, are you grillin and chillin?

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+1 MsM, I hope you find relief :(

K, you look great grillin' ! ;)

med, that looks outstanding, I've never had Saganaki, no one in my family, on either side-mine or his, cares for Greek food really, I love it!

DH was going to take me to this really cool Italian place in town and spend the evening down there, but we have flash flooding going on with the Monsoon...
so, I always have a backup plan in the deep freeze,

Trader Joe's spizzico di pizza (mini cheese pizzas) and a salad,
eh that'll do.
Is it that they don't like it or are not familiar or have never had really good Greek food, like not at a fast food place?

The burning process gets rid of the licorice flavor from the ouzo, and I think that anybody who likes cheese will admit that melty cheese mixed with booze is about the best you can eat.

You should try making homemade pita. It's so much better than store bought and it's fun to watch it puff up into a balloon. You can use whole wheat or all white flour. Think I'm going to stick with all white from now on.

Have you tried making lamb lollipops out of a frenched rack of lamb? We cut them into individual chops, rub each with a mix of garlic, rosemary, lemon juice/zest, olive oil, s and p, let them sit for a while and then grill. Doing it that way pretty much takes away the greasiness, slightly gamy flavor, and makes a good intro.
I found out recently that a really good Texas BBQ joint was right under my nose -- less than a mile away. So, my flight attendant neighbor in town for a few days and I went there for lunch. Hours: 11AM till they run out.

Anyway, I had some good brisket point, and sausage, with fried okra on the side. It was very good.

So, just snacking tonight.

med, no one in the family cares for lamb, but me, they're just not adventurous most times with food. Sometimes, I can put something "different" on the the table and it's excepted, but you have to make sure they don't see what you're doing in the kitchen ;)
Greek food includes chicken, pork, beef and seafood, too. They often work with lamb recipes. The salads and cheese dishes are amazing :yum:
We used to go out to the clubs, and a bit after midnight we'd roll into diners for a snack. Our go-to would be to check out the ceiling tiles, no burn marks meant no saganaki, and we'd leave for a better place. Opa!
msm, I hope the allergist figures out what can help you. Good luck!

Hope you have a great vacation, Steve!

Kay, I certainly can't grill like that. After all, those pointy heels would make my feet hurt a lot! As far as the rest of the attire...:whistling: Only Himself needs to know details. ;)

As some of you know, much of tonight's supper was made yesterday. I had fresh, wild-caught haddock fried at the seafood counter while I did the rest of my shopping. When I got back home I had time on my hands before supper. LOL! I steamed a couple ear of corn, cut them off the cob, and mixed the kernels up with grape tomatoes, Queso Fresco, fresh parsley, and Tajin. Along with the previously made potato salad and coleslaw, we feasted. Yum! :yum:


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Everything looked amazing tonight guys! OK, yeah, even you K-L... think I'm a little jealous.

Went to a friends for supper. I supplied the wines and an Amuse Bouche of WonTon Mushroom Purses served with a Cream Sauce.

She did the main, a Tenderloin stuffed with Brie and Cranberries, a Portabello Mushroom with Pear and Provolone (think I posted that recipe for you). Garlic Bread on the side.

She made her first (and according to her, last!) attempt at a meringue. Was swirled with a strawberry coulis. It collapsed but she rescued it with a Strawberry mousse. We had a good chuckle over it. She wanted it to be a big secret and wouldn't tell me what she was making... but had I known I could have told her NEVER try to make meringue in our hot/muggy/sticky/yukky weather. LOL. Nevertheless - it was DELISH! the mousse actually saved the dish!

We were having such a good time -ack! no pics! but I think I have some of the mushroom purses from before...


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I volunteered to be a home test cook for Cooks Illustrated magazine and last night, I made my first dish - Thai-style pork burgers with sesame green beans. It was outstanding. I can't give you any details, but I'm guessing this one will end up in the magazine. Yum :yum:
I volunteered to be a home test cook for Cooks Illustrated magazine and last night, I made my first dish - Thai-style pork burgers with sesame green beans. It was outstanding. I can't give you any details, but I'm guessing this one will end up in the magazine. Yum :yum:

Very good... That has to be exciting... :)

sounds yummy GG! can't wait to get it! yumm.... Thai & burgers = winner!

I too, volunteered, but I think being in Canada with not easily getting the "same" ingredients was a deterent. Alas, I actually think it would have been a bonus for me having to sub for certain brand ingredients, but there you go - I don't know their rules and I'm sure that they've had a gazillion volunteers! LOL
sounds yummy GG! can't wait to get it! yumm.... Thai & burgers = winner!

I too, volunteered, but I think being in Canada with not easily getting the "same" ingredients was a deterent. Alas, I actually think it would have been a bonus for me having to sub for certain brand ingredients, but there you go - I don't know their rules and I'm sure that they've had a gazillion volunteers! LOL
Yeah, it would be a problem if you can't get the same ingredients. They want home cooks to test the recipes so they will know 1) whether they're doable for a non-professional, 2) how good they are, and 3) how long it takes to make it.

By substituting ingredients, they wouldn't have a common data set to evaluate. As a volunteer, you can pick and choose which recipe to test, so if there are ingredients you don't like or can't find, you can just skip it. I have no idea how many volunteers they have. I'm sure it's a lot [emoji2]
I volunteered to be a home test cook for Cooks Illustrated magazine and last night, I made my first dish...
That is soooooo coooooool! You better be sure to let us know you're in test mode when you post your nightly dinner.

I know they would never want me to test. I'm so slow at everything I do. They wouldn't want my time spent prepping/cooking to count in the data. :LOL:
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