Today is National PIE Day!

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I will take your mincemeat, MrsLMB! Agree with all of the above, though you may have my crust. Unless it's chocolate or graham cracker.

The crust si what makes the pie. If it's a great crust, its slightly salty, baked flour flavor compliments teh filling, and adds the perfect textural counterpoint to the filling. To me, what makes a pie so delectable, is its combination of flavors and textures.

That being said, I love fruit pies best, and of the fruit pies, apple is king for me. I love all pies (except if it has mints in it). My least favorite (and I don't know how this works) is chocolate cream pie. I love most things chocolate, including chocolate pudding. so why chocolate pie is my least favorite of the pies, is a mystery. But that's just the way my silly mind works.

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I love potato pie, which is a beef pie with mashed potato over the top :yum:

Kylie, we call that Shepherd's Pie. Only ours usually has peas or/and carrots in it also. A true Shepherd's Pie though is made with lamb, not beef. How many shepherds do you know that tend to their 'herds' of sheep. Just like I have never heard of cowboys tending to their 'flock' of cattle. :angel:
Kylie, we call that Shepherd's Pie. Only ours usually has peas or/and carrots in it also. A true Shepherd's Pie though is made with lamb, not beef. How many shepherds do you know that tend to their 'herds' of sheep. Just like I have never heard of cowboys tending to their 'flock' of cattle. :angel:

If it's made with beef, it's a Cottage Pie.
If it's made with beef, it's a Cottage Pie.

Where I live, we call them camps, not cottages. You have to go accross the Sainte Marie's Ditch, into Ontario to go to a cottage.

So, does that mean we eat camp pie, and camp cheese? And you people with cottages hunt from deer cottages?:ohmy::LOL:

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I MISSED national pie day !!!!!!! Rats, pie is my favorite, espcially a good Lemon Meringue.
Wish every day was pie day

I would make every day pie day. Except that there would be too much of me every day!
I would make every day pie day. Except that there would be too much of me every day!

I am going to be a day late. I promised Pirate I would make him a pumpkin pie today. Yesterday I made the Pumpkin Cheesecake. Pirate took a slice of that and wanted me to cut it in half and only send half to his sister. Along with the Pumpkin Pie, I am also going to be making the Chocolate Chip Cheesecake for my grandson.

I will tell myself that TODAY is National Pie Day. Too bad though, I can't even have a bite of all my work. :angel:
On January 23rd you can spend the day making and eating lots of delicious pies.

On March 14th you can spend the day calculating the circumferences and areas of various circles.

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