Trivia 1/30

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 1/30
A bristlecone pine tree nicknamed Methuselah is believed to be the oldest
tree in the world. Its exact location is kept a secret to protect it from
vandals and tourists.

1. Which Character geared toward children lives up on Mount Crumpit ?
2. In needlework, what is a UFO?
3. Which of the following is a use for caustic soda?
a. - Mmouthwash
b. - Carbonated beverages
c. - Detergents
d. - Nail Polish Remover
4. Directly under the top layer of your skin is another layer. What is this
layer called?
5. Who was the female star of "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"?
6. If you were born on April 28th, what is your Sign ?
7. Fill In the Blank;
The average hair on your head grows about _____inches ) annually.
a. - 4
b. - 6
c. - 8
d. - 10
8. What do you call rock or soil material that has remained below 32 degrees
Fahrenheit continuously for two or more years?

The largest fish caught with a rod and reel was a Sailfish that weighed 464
pounds and was almost 11 feet long.
1. the Grinch
2. Un-Finished Object
3. - c
4. the Dermis
5. Debbie Reynolds
6. Taurus
7. - c
8. Permafrost

The largest fish caught with a rod and reel was a Great White shark. It
weighed 2,664 pounds and was almost 17 feet long.
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