Trivia 10/19

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 10/19
Milk leaves the cow at 101 degrees Fahrenheit and is promptly cooled and
stored at 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

1. The rear half of loin meats is the source of some of the most tender
beef. The nomenclature is slightly confusing there - what is the proper name
of the uppermost loin section directly left and right of the animal's spine?
a. - Sirloin
b. - Top Sirloin
c. - Tenderloin
d. - Strip
2. In PC talk, what is 'Bit' short for ?
3. A popular souvenir from the German city of Köln comes in a blue-labeled
glass bottle marked with the number 4711. What is it?
4. In what sport would you use terms like set, dig, kill, and spike?
5. What is the significance of spades in the card game of the same name?
6. Remember Borden's Elsie the Cow ? What was the name of her mate ?
(Bonus; what product carried his image ?)
7. Which river flows through Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade, three Balkan
capital cities?
a. - Rhine
b. - Sava
c. - Volga
d. - Danube
8. Which is the correct meaning for 'turbit'?
a. - A pigeon
b. - A Butterfly
c. - A fish
d. - A Recipe

Scientists have discovered a mushroom that can eat plastic.
1. - d
2. Binary Digit
3. Cologne
4. Volleyball
5. Trump Suit
6. Elmer (Glue)
7. - b
8. - a

All that plastic we throw away doesn't just go away, since most plastics
aren't biodegradable. But what if we could design something that would eat
it? Thanks to some Yale researchers and an Amazonian fungus, that's a very
real possibility.

Discovered in 2012, the mushroom is capable of metabolizing polyurethane.
Australian designer Katharina Unger has already worked with Julia Kaisinger
and Utrecht University to create an incubator for the mushrooms, which feeds
them sugars, starches, and plastic. And the mushrooms eventually digest the
plastics completely.

But it doesn't end there. The mushroom is edible, so this contraption,
called a Fungi Mutarium, is also growing the mushrooms for consumption.
Currently, it takes a little while for the mushrooms to digest the plastics
fully, but it may be well worth the wait if this can actually help reduce
household waste headed to landfills.

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