Trivia 12/30

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 12/30

While it seems counterintuitive, Earth is actually closest to the sun in

1. There are loads of tectonic plates on Earth. Do you know what plate
Poland, Ireland and Slovakia are on?
2. Casablanca is a city in which African country?
3. What is the National Flower of Scotland?
4. What's the name of the specific type of blue cheese, produced in Northern
Italy ?
5. Definition ; RAVISHER ...
a. - someone who assaults others sexually
b. - a very attractive or seductive looking woman
c. - Both
d. - Neither
6. Who Said That ; POTUS Chapter...
"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
7. Who is the patron saint of ambulance drivers?
a. - Michael
b. - Jude
c. - Patrick
d. - Paul
8. Which of these famous films, set in Ancient Rome, was directed by Stanley
a. - Gladiator
b. - Spartacus
c. - Ben-Hur
d. - Quo Vadis

Irving Berlin Could neither read nor write music.
1. the Eurasian Plate
2. Morocco
3. Thistle
4. Gorgonzola
5. - c
6. Abraham Lincoln
7. - a
8. - b

America's most famous composer of popular music could neither read nor write
music; he composed his music by ear, and hired someone to write down the
music. He composed on the piano, but could only play in the key of F-sharp,
so he bought a special piano that could mechanically transpose the keys. He
was only married twice; his first wife died six months after they were wed,
but his second marriage lasted 63 years. Berlin wrote dozens of songs still
popular today, including "White Christmas" and "God Bless America".
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