trivia 2/12

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 2/12

The Washington Post asked readers to change one letter in a common word and then write a new definition for it.
• Guiltar: A musical instrument whose strings are pulled by your mother.
• Philaunderer: He may hop from bed to bed, but he always washes the sheets.
• The fundead: Corpses who walk around at night with lampshades on their heads.
• Sitcoma: Typical TV fare.

1. What product urged you to "Come to where the flavor is" ?
2. What was the name of the middle earth home of Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit ?
3. Under what pen name did Stephen King author six novels, including The Running Man and Thinner ?
4. Do you recall the theme song of singing cowboy Gene Autry ?
5. What owner / bartender of Chicago's notorious Lone Star Saloon was famous for his drug-laced drinks ?
6. What song connects The Jackson Five (1970) and Mariah Carey (1992) ?
7. Do you recall the names of the two rustic characters in those wine cooler commercials which always ended with one of them saying, "and thank you for your support" ?
8. Who led the "Band of Renown" ?
In the movie Pulp Fiction,
Victor and Junior are hit men.
1. Marlboro cigarettes
2. Bag End
3. Richard Bachman
4. "Back in in the Saddle Again"
5. Mickey Finn
6. "I'll Be There"
7. Bartels and James
8. Les Brown
The hit men were named Vincent and Jules.
I did terribly today! I got the ones in red:

1. Marlboro cigarettes
2. Bag End
3. Richard Bachman
4. "Back in in the Saddle Again" (I knew this one but forgot tonight!)
5. Mickey Finn (I knew what a "Mickey Finn" was, but not that he was a real bartender).
6. "I'll Be There"
7. Bartels and James (Loved their commercials)
8. Les Brown

Okay, I got 8, 9 and CRAP right - you can't get me on anything about Pulp Fiction. Um wait a minute, should I be admitting that?

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