Trivia 3/10

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 3/10
Dubbed the "Marathon Man," Belgian runner Stefaan Engels ran the marathon
distance every day for a year, totaling 9,569 miles

1. Which part of the body is most commonly affected by the first attack of
2. Which sports organization is associated with the motto "Let me win. But
if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"?
3. Where would you be most likely to find a stevedore at work?
(Hint; NOT at a Bullring...)
4. What are the names of two Dutch cities which share their names with
5. How old is Juliet in the play Romeo and Juliet?
6. In March 2010, what accolade was Kathryn Bigelow the first woman to
7. In April 2010, a new maximum on the Scoville scale for the hotness of
chilies was set, with a rating of 1,067,286. In what country was this chili
a. - England
b. - Peru
c. - Mexico
d. - Spain
8. April, and the Easter Bunny makes his annual appearance. Who introduced
him to America?
a. - Irish Immigrants
b. - German Immigrants
c. - Italian Immigrants
d. - French Immigrants

Sumo wrestlers make babies cry for good luck..

1. Big Toe
2. the Special Olympics
3. On a Dock / at a Port
4. Edam and Gouda
5. - 13
6. Won an Academy Award for best film director
7. - a
8. - b

While most parents do what they can to prevent or stop their babies from
crying, that's not always the case in Japan. That's because it's a
400-year-old Japanese tradition that if a sumo wrestler can make your baby
cry, it means he or she will live a healthy life. During a special ceremony,
parents hand over their infants to sumo wrestlers who bounce their precious
tots up and down and sometimes even roar in their little faces to get the
tears flowing. "He's not a baby that cries much, but today he cried a lot
for us and we are very happy about it," mother Mae Shige said at a 2014

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