Trivia 3/24

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 3/24
The process by which bread toasts is called the “Maillard Reaction.”

1. What is the Capital of El Salvador ?
2. What's the name of the Cheetos's Mascot ?
3. The blessings given by Jesus and known collectively as 'The Sermon on the
Mount', are known by another name ; what is it ?
4. Name the seven Dwarves ....
5. In July 2004 who did the Democrat John Kerry pick as his U.S.
presidential running mate?
6. What is "Tewkesbury Mustard" ?
a. - Horseradish and Mustard
b. - Honey and Mustard
c. - Mayo and Mustard
d. - Vinegar and Mustard
7. In which 1939 Raymond Chandler novel did the detective Philip Marlowe
first appear?
a. - Farewell, My Lovely
b. - The Big Sleep
c. - The Long Goodbye
d. - Killer in the Rain
8. In what year did King George VI die?
a. - 1950
b. - 1952
c. - 1954
d. - 1956

The Pyruvate Scale measures the salt content of our oceans .

1. San Salvador
2. Chester
3. The Beatitudes
4. Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy and Dopey
5. John Edwards
6. - a
7. - b
8. - b

The pyruvate scale measures pungency in onions and garlic with units of
μmol/gfw (micromoles per gram fresh weight). It is named after pyruvic acid,
the alpha-keto acid co-product created in the biochemical pathway that forms
syn-propanethial-S-oxide, the main lachrymatory agent in onions.
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