Trivia 4/23

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 4/23
The State of Wyoming is named after a valley in Pennsylvania.

1. How many sides in a decagon ?
2. Which of the fifty was the first of the original 13 states ?
3. What is the name of the oath taken by Doctors ?
4. What actor connects The China Syndrome, The War of the Roses, and Wall Street ?
5. How many years have you been married to celebrate a Pearl Anniversary ?
6. Which film did the song You're the One That I Want come from ?
7. What was the last year whose numbers appeared exactly the same when viewed up-side down ?
8. What is a baby whale called ?
In New Brunswick, there is a waterfall that actually flows upward.......
1. ten
2. Delaware
3. Hippocratic Oath
4. Michael Douglas
5. 30
6. Grease
7. 1961
8. a Calf
The reversing Falls of St. John, New Brunswick are located on a gorge that leads into the Bay of Fundy. At low tide the water comes cascading down on its way to the bay. At high tide, however, which in this part of the world is excessive, the bay's water level rises to a height five feet higher than the top of the falls. This causes a "Bore" or rushing tide, to flow back into the river, and thus it pushes the water back up the falls.

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