Trivia 6/22

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 6/22
Up until 7 months old, a baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.

1. Roy rogers is to Trigger as Dale Evans is to ........... ???
2. Name the actress who had a short-but-well publicized nude scene in 'The Last
Picture Show' before she entered series TV.
3. Strange Words are These ; GYMNOSPERM ...
a. - a Drug
b. - a Plant Seed
c. - an Exercise
d. - a Bacterium
4. What is the term for a deficiency of erythrocytes ?
5. Before the advent of the push-button phone, you had to actually 'Dial'
your number ...
What's the correct term for those old - timers ?
6. In which Disney film do we meet the characters of Gaston, Mrs. Potts,
Lumiere, Cogsworth and Chip?
7. Can you name the singer who appeared as 'Leather Tuscadero' in the TV
series 'Happy Days'. ?
(Hint; I S. Q. )
8. What was the full name of the 'Star Trek' (original series) Chief
Engineer ??

Richard Burton gave Liz Taylor a ring containing a diamond of over
33 carats !
1. Buttermilk
2. Cybil Shepherd
3. - b
4. Anemia
5. Rotary Phones
6. Beauty and the Beast
7. Suzi Quatro
8. Montgomery Scott

Elizabeth Taylor was the recipient of the 33.19 carat Krupp Diamond from her
husband. At the time it was bought, it was the highest price ever paid for a
diamond ring. This beautiful diamond is set in platinum and could be seen on
the hand of Elizabeth Taylor almost every day for the rest of her life.

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