Trivia 9/10

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 9/10
Richard Nixon was an accomplished musician who could play the piano,
accordion, violin, saxophone, and clarinet.

1. For you codgers out there, who played Hopalong Cassidy on the TV series ?
(Bonus; his horse's name ??)
2. A week after the Titanic sunk, Fenway Park opened in Boston,
Massachusetts. A week after that, Universal Studios opened for business. It
all happened in what year?
3. In the "Peanuts" comic strips, who was the unseen Joe Shlabotnik?
a. - Lucy's Dad
b. - Schroeder's Piano Teacher
c. - Charlie Brown's Favorite Baseball Player
d. - Linus's teacher
4. Which sport links the films "Big Wednesday", "Point Break" and "Blue
5. Which famous comedian named his daughter Zelda, after the video game
a. - Tim Allen
b. - Jim Carrey
c. - Robin Williams
d. - Jerry Seinfeld
6. Name That Flick ;
Rogue CIA Agent Gabriel Shear (John Travolta) wants to steal some money,
nine billion dollars in fact. He can't do it without the help of computer
hacker, Stanley Jobson (Hugh Jackman). Cue lots of action and mayhem.
7.What is sericulture
8. Split Personality dept ; Doc holiday (1957 film)

King Alexander of Greece died in 1920 as a result of blood poisoning caused
by a monkey bite.
1. William Boyd (Topper)
2. - 1912
3. - c
4. Surfing
5. - c
6. Swordfish
7. Raising silkworms in order to obtain raw silk
8. Kirk Douglas

Alexander controversially married the commoner Aspasia Manos in 1919,
provoking a major scandal that forced the couple to leave Greece for several
months. Soon after returning to Greece with his wife, Alexander was bitten
by a domestic Barbary macaque and died of sepsis.

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