Tuesday 7/18/2017 What's on the menu?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Going to try again tonight to make Pan fried smoked ham steak, baby spinach and baby kale fried in the ham drippings and mashed potatoes. But plans may change again.
welp... My plan was to finish yesterdays fried rice, topped with a sunny side up egg and avocado slices....

but....msmofet just had to post a pic of her glazed mini meat loaf :yum: and now I'm torn...

I'm too old to be torn... :wacko:

I am totally not sure. There is no meat in the freezer as we missed our Costco trip yesterday after TB got off work. If I am feeling well enough to go out this morning I may pick up some chicken at the grocery store. Will report back later.
welp... My plan was to finish yesterdays fried rice, topped with a sunny side up egg and avocado slices....

but....msmofet just had to post a pic of her glazed mini meat loaf :yum: and now I'm torn...

I'm too old to be torn... :wacko:


I'm sorry. BTW if you like a smokey flavor you can add a drop or two of liquid smoke (hickory or mesquite flavor) or a squirt of smokey BBQ sauce to the glaze ingredients.
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I've been at work since 4:30 and have been feeling a little under the weather today. So whatever I have for dinner is going to have to be dead simple.

Or I may just skip it altogether and go straight to bed.
Chinese take out....too hot to cook and it is my birthday hahaaa

Welcome and Happy Birthday.

I've been at work since 4:30 and have been feeling a little under the weather today. So whatever I have for dinner is going to have to be dead simple.

Or I may just skip it altogether and go straight to bed.
Hope you feel better! Maybe time to bring the chicken noodle soup thread up!
We are having deer tenderloin with hot peppers canned from last year. Running low on sides so probably more of the same... baked potato for him and baked sweet potato for me with lots of butter s and p
Meatloaf, sauteed yellow squash with onions, fresh cucumber spears and iced tea.

I brought Glenn home from the hospital Saturday afternoon after having had a hip revision surgery on Wednesday.

I'm pretty beat having to do things it takes two people to do so I'm relying on the meals (meatloaf, for example) that I prepared and froze before the surgery date. Sure glad I did.

In addition to feeling wrung out, the weather here has been hot as the hinges of hell and promises to continue into next week. The "feels like" has been in the low 100s. Are we having fun yet?
Chinese take out....too hot to cook and it is my birthday hahaaa
Yes, welcome and Happy Birthday, Rhonda! Watch out for that msmofet, though, or she'll fatten you up with photos of her decadent food. :yum:

Hope you feel better, Steve. Nothing worse than a summer cold...or whatever it is that ails ya.

Dinner here is dependent on the weather. Right now it looks like we should think of building an Ark, but all the clouds are doing are spitting. They need to decide what they're going to do before I send Himself out to grill those hot dogs. I really want them grilled, not steamed in beer or broiled in the toaster oven. If the weather doesn't clear soon it will be good ol' mushroom omelet and something else. Hmm, pancakes sound good...
I'm having problems finding good fresh fruit this week, especially melons, but I did manage to find some decent cantaloupe and nice grapes at Sprouts, and some nice strawberries at Kroger. I also found some nice cherry tomatoes, and have some fresh mozzarella, and have some basil growing in the garden.

So, I think it is going to be a fruits and caprese bites tonight.

msm, I think all your photos look so delicious! It's a good think those calories do stay on the other side of the screen. :LOL:

We ended up with a Plan C for supper. I had cheddar bratwurst in the fridge, so I steamed those in beer. Still had the potato salad, plus sauerkraut, fried apples, pickled beets, and nibbled on the last of the crudites while everything was cooking.


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I pan-fried some homemade bratwurst - too lazy to put them into casings [emoji38] - and topped them with a dab of homemade mustard. Then I made German potato salad with bacon and vinegar and a green salad. Butter pecan ice cream for dessert :yum:
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