Tuesday's Dinner 6/27/17?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
After DH sampled a vegan quinoa burger on a road trip this weekend, I will experiment with 2 burger types tonight. One will be tofu based and the other quinoa and bean based. I will freeze the left overs for a weekend camping trip this coming weekend, where others will be grilling steak and pork chops.

What are you fixing?
Potluck at my book club meeting tonight. I'm making mango salsa and serving it with blue corn chips. I'll make DH a salad and he can nibble other stuff out of the fridge.
Simple salad greens tonight. I have some fantastic mushrooms to mix in. Strawberries for dessert.

Thunderstorms moving through the afternoon and evening, so indoor cooking tonight. An Italian chicken and tomato stew, served over rice, green salad on the side.
I guess I'm living kind of high on the hog (or the cow, as the case may be) for a Tuesday.

I stopped by the store on the way home from work and found they had prime rib to go for $7.99 a slice. I couldn't resist at that price. The side is sauteed kale, fresh picked from the container garden on my deck.

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Egg Salad sandwiches with arugula. It was my first time eating arugula. (I really liked it!) You seriously can't expect too much from the grocery stores around here. I was looking for watercress and rice paper rolls, which they had neither. I settled for arugula and egg roll wrappers.
The stove top was cleaned to brand new condition yesterday so nothing messy going on there tonight.!
I used the side burner of the outdoor gas grill for the thick bacon wrapped (with silicone bands)
of two filet mignon's that SC scored at the grocery. They were cooked in the carbon steel skillet to red rare (not purple) just the way we like them.
Corn off the cobs, and barely cooked in butter and fresh chives was the side along with Texas garlic toast. Oh yeah...
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taxy, I hope you find some spoons. If not, maybe your next supper could be a liquid one...a few margaritas, a little maracas man. Ole!

UCLA hospital cafeteria dinner. My dad is having a procedure done there today and I'll be there all afternoon and spending the night there as well.
I hope all went well with your Dad and he recovers quickly.

Simple salad greens tonight. I have some fantastic mushrooms to mix in. Strawberries for dessert.
Casey, you are being a good doggie with your meal planning. Either that, or you sure are posting healthy! :LOL:

I had a coupon for a free birthday burger at Ruby Tuesdays, so we ate there. The one closest to us does a decent job with all their food, and they have a great, well-maintained salad bar, too. I got to swap out the fries for the salad bar (it was a $1.99 up-charge, but no problem) and had a Guinness beer to go with it. Heh, the beer cost more than the dinner - not bad! Meanwhile, Himself had some sort of chicken dish with onion rings and the salad bar as his 2nd side dish. The best part was that our sweet server reminded us a lot of our daughter. :heart:
We had homemade chicken salad - Mom had saltine crackers with her, I had tomatoes, cucumbers, & pita chips with mine. We both had Thin Mint cookies for dessert.

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