Twitter is Dangerous

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Once I got my new phone, I started on Twitter. First, I started following sports related people to keep current on baseball in the off season. Then I made a few food related additions; Andrew Zimmern, Jacques Pepin, Serious Eats and Food52.

The problem is I see too many recipes and other goodies. This has already caused me to buy a Staub DO. I download recipes because they look so good. I'm going to need a bigger hard drive.

As if Twitter wasn't enough, I subscribe to Flipboard, a sort of electronic Reader's Digest. That just makes matters worse.

Anyone else in this boat??
Twitter is evil. I haven't used it yet, I fear it. Let us know how you do.

Flipboard is good.
Ya, Andy, I have been on FaceBook for several years because of all the people I have met around the world from here, our youth group and the camps we have cooked at. Then I started blogging so naturally I needed a twitter account to get my blog out there, then instagram, Pinterest, Linked-In, Google+, Skype...Ack! I feel I am pulled in a million different directions through my computer(s), phone and tablet.

I think I am going to find a deserted island with no wifi!
As a side note to the whole tech universe...

I was at the Apple Store Monday to get some help with synching my phone and Mac. I had screwed it up. Sitting there waiting for my appointment I noticed that 5 of the 6 customers at the Genius Bar were gray-haired old men. I wonder what that means...
I limit Twitter to occasional visits. I can really get lost there. Same with Pinterest, but at least I do go back to look for recipes I've saved that I want to make ;)

I also have a pile of printed recipes and books, so it's not just the digital world that overwhelms me with all the things I want to do or make or cook or read :LOL:

<off to see what Flipboard is>
GG, Flipboard is like the Today Show and Nightly News, with recipes. You can scan through it quickly.
I am perfectly good at wasting vast amounts of time being active here at DC and from stalking my kids and a few friends on Facebook. I have an Instagram account but look at it only if our son, who takes some terrific photos, posts one there that isn't also posted on Facebook. Don't want to miss his shots. As tempted as I have been over the past few years to add Twitter just for the baseball news too, I dare not do it. Absolutely nothing will get done around here!

As a side note to the whole tech universe...

I was at the Apple Store Monday to get some help with synching my phone and Mac. I had screwed it up. Sitting there waiting for my appointment I noticed that 5 of the 6 customers at the Genius Bar were gray-haired old men. I wonder what that means...
Andy, if I remember right, you were an accountant in your work life. Next to you at the genius bar were retiree contractor, salesman, lawyer, etc. Not a Tech Support person in the bunch. THAT would have been Himself on the other side of the Genius Bar - if you used Windows. In our house, the only Apple we ever buy is for pies and sauces. We're a Microsoft family.
It was years before I even looked at Facebook. And now the only reason I go there is to see pics of the kids. The only chatting I do today is here.

I got into the world of computers when you had to know how to program what you wanted to do. I kept up with the world of computers, attending classes and making sure I was up to date. Then I retired, couldn't care less about all the programs on a computer. My best friend is Google. That is all I need to know. If I have a problem with my computer, I let Spike take care of it for me. When it is nice out I try to get outside. That limits my sitting at the computer. Which is fine with me. :angel:
I sign up for Twitter, but can't find anybody important enough for me to fallow.

Sent from my iPad using Discuss Cooking
I look at Facebook very frequently

Look at Twitter less often but almost exclusively for food; Eater; local chefs and restaurant sites; Michael Chang; Andrew Zimmern; Jean Georges; Hugh Atchison; Elizabeth Faulkner; Amanda Freitag

I also really like Flipboard
I've been using Feedly for a long time for a similar purpose as Flipboard. Flipboard does seem to have an interesting feature - integrating Facebook and Twitter feeds. It also seems to have an enhanced ability to entice one down the rabbit hole ... ;)
I've been using Feedly for a long time for a similar purpose as Flipboard. Flipboard does seem to have an interesting feature - integrating Facebook and Twitter feeds. It also seems to have an enhanced ability to entice one down the rabbit hole ... ;)

Indeed it does.
As a side note to the whole tech universe...

I was at the Apple Store Monday to get some help with synching my phone and Mac. I had screwed it up. Sitting there waiting for my appointment I noticed that 5 of the 6 customers at the Genius Bar were gray-haired old men. I wonder what that means...

It means that when I retire in a few years, I'll still be able to find part time work. Folks my age typically got involved with tech at a time when you had to be at least reasonably code and computer savvy to even be able to use it. Kids today just expect things to work perfectly out of the box and have no interest in understanding any of the nuts and bolts.

More job security for me. :)

By the way, I've been using this social media stuff since the days of "bulletin boards", CompuServe and AOL. Facebook and Twitter are just the newer kids on the block.

If you were to ask my wife, she would probably tell you I'm obsessed with tech. These days doing away my Smartphone would be akin to cutting off an arm.
It means that when I retire in a few years, I'll still be able to find part time work. Folks my age typically got involved with tech at a time when you had to be at least reasonably code and computer savvy to even be able to use it. Kids today just expect things to work perfectly out of the box and have no interest in understanding any of the nuts and bolts.

More job security for me. :)

By the way, I've been using this social media stuff since the days of "bulletin boards", CompuServe and AOL. Facebook and Twitter are just the newer kids on the block.

If you were to ask my wife, she would probably tell you I'm obsessed with tech. These days doing away my Smartphone would be akin to cutting off an arm.

Right there with you, Steve! The tzatziki recipe I still use came from a Greek woman on a CompuServe recipe board ;)
I once joined Twitter, several years ago, and had no followers for weeks. Since then, I've never been back on that site.

You Tube is dangerous. In the past I've purchased a lot of stuff that I didn't need from watching their videos. But some, very useful. Recently I've been rekindled by watching many ultralight backpacking videos. From that, I've acquired several new gear to replace some of my old camping gear. Got a few pieces of titanium cookware and a multifuel stove. Now, I think I also need to replace my old, heavy backpack and sleep system.... Never ends.....damn videos.... LOL...
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I once joined Twitter, several years ago, and had no followers for weeks. Since then, I've never been back on that site...

I don't expect followers on Twitter. I follow others for information. National and local sports reporters, foodie sites, etc.
Well.....I expected at least some friends to follow me.... When that didn't happen I decided that Twitter was not for me... :LOL:

Roadfix, I would have followed you if I was on Twitter. So far I'm not though.
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