Useless kitchen tools

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My Pampered Chef garlic press was my best friend before I lost it because it was sooooo easy to clean.....just pop it in the dishwasher! For Christmas my DH found his way into a kitchen store and I ended up with this weird looking garlic slicer. He thought it would be nice because he doesn't like the smell of garlic on his hands after chopping (one of my favorite parts)! I don't even know what the thing is called but you put the garlic in and close it up then you are supposed to roll it back and forth on the counter and it slices your garlic!! Yea, it doesn't work!!!!

Round Pizza cutters while may make a mess for cutting a pizza work great when you have kids and need to cut up pancakes, sandwichs, and just about anything else!
k.t.e. and squzie, salad spinners are indispensible when you grow your own greens.
(i've got that gardening forum on my mind. vb was right. it's really just a tease for us in slightly colder zones, who have to wait until the end of march to start planting. lemme guess, a southerner created the new forum. elfie????:mad:)

a good soak and several agitations in a sink full of cold water, then into the spinner they go. it the only way to get your greens clean.
I recently cleaned out the drawers in my kitchen. My Pampered Chef rotary grater and garlic press both went into the box to get rid of. The rotary grater is really handy if you keep one barrel in the freezer to use for chocolate when baking, but I would rather use my box grater. The garlic press I don't use at alll; I didn't use much garlic when I got it and now I'd rather use jarred or just put a knife to it.
Most of the useless kitchen gadgets in my kitchen have come as gifts. The one that I use less and takes up the most space is an electric rice cooker. Used it once, and it still resides in my pantry taking up space. I am going to soon be moving into a new home, and will purchase it without a finished kitchen as I want to do it myself. This has led to just what I will want to get rid of, and what I will replace. All you really need is a few good pots and pans, a couple of good kitchen knives, a handful of kitchen utensils, and some bowls. If you think about it, that is probably about what your grandmother had, and I wish I could cook like mine. Most of her measuring and mixing was done with her hands, her pots and pans were cast iron, and her stove was a cast iron affair with corn cobs for fuel. Like me, most of the gadgets she had had been given to her as gifts, and most sat on her pantry shelves unused.

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