Vocabulary for the day

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One that bothers me so much is that "diet aid" for $153.00. I always push "mute" before she can get her spiel in. There are others that are bothersome, but that one really gets to me. - really an example.
There's one where this little girl want's to send a card to her daddy in heaven so they tie a card to a balloon and set it loose.

That one was adoreable... the first five THOUSAND times I saw it. :sick:

The Hallmark Channell tends to do this with their upcoming original movies. They start advertising them a full month in advance and then run, and run, and run the ads so by the time the movie comes around your so sick of the adverts you don't want to watch the show.

I never want to hear the phrase "The Long Shot" or that woman singing everything's going to be alright again.

~ Raven ~
sounds like a good thing that we don't get the Hallmark channel, Raven.

Let's also get rid of John Basedow (6-pack abs) and Kristy Lane advertising CDs of her oldies.
I know my kids think David Spade is ever so funny, but I'd love to put my hands around his kneck and strangle him..Those ads make me wild...:LOL:

All great reasons that I hardly bother with TV at all. =) The off button is a wonderful thing!

Oh, yes - all those credit card commercials - the geico commercials except the one where the gecko drives the little sportscar -
from today's Washington Post Style Invitational:

(winner) Oxymorose: Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside
(2nd thru 4th place) never mind. they were stupid and I didn't like them.

Hon. mentions:
Parsehole: One who constantly interrupts a friend to correct their grammar. Excuse me, his grammar.

Orgas: An unpleasant end to what was promising to be a beautiful experience.

Pastriarchy: the upper crust

Snackrifice (love this one): The act of buying something you don't want in the vending machine because it's in front of the item you want.

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