Want to do something different for Easter

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You could do a room temp sliced ham, some room temp pesto on linguine, passing a bowl of chopped tomatoes to crown the pesto, your salad, bread, a small anti-pasto platter, dessert and that's it The grouch needs to be warned and then ignored. Enjoy your holiday.

Thanks for your suggestions. :)

"Well, I agree with some of the others. I always go all out for family guests with a holiday meal, otherwise I wouldn't do it and just not invite them, or have a potluck. I'm afraid with such a simple meal you will appear uncaring, although I'm sure that's not the case." - Kayelle.

Inasmuch as all of the guests have eaten rather fabulous meals at my place (countless times) and appear to enjoy coming here to eat, I believe that they will understand and sympathize with my reason for a truncated Easter meal, namely, my being fed up with doing big meals at least for this year only. Of course I will explain this in advance in a diplomatic way. Many thanks for your opinions!
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I've always liked the idea of serving rabbit for Easter, perhaps cooked in wine. :)
Er...that might upset the children. :LOL:

People wouldn't have this problem if they didn't trot out the rabbit as some kind of Christian idol. Idolatry is one of the prohibitions of the Ten Commandments. It's like Santa Claus, there isn't anything in The Book about it.
Good Morning,

From my point of view, we as a family always look forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Eve, The Ephiphany, Easter Sunday and birthdays.

We all live at a distance via aircraft from one another, so --- we have our special family time honored traditions handed down by both sides of the family, the Cintrano ( paternal ) & The Vet´s Dettori family and the Marche Family ( Maternal ) in addition to the gals and their respective family.

If we as a family wanted to do something different, we would go to a Hotel and Hotel Restaurant in the Caribbean or Punta de Este, Uruguay ... and not manage and priortize the laborious family meal to begin with ...

Happy Holidays,
Margi. Cintrano.
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Howdy, kids. Do you ever get a bit fed up with multi-course, heavy, traditional holiday meals? I just snapped - feel that I can't do it anymore - and decided to make a relatively light, simple Easter dinner! :LOL:


Salad of mixed greens/avocado/pears/sliced almonds with plain
made-from-scratch salad dressing

Home-made Easter bread (a.k.a. Paska - the bread with lots of

Butter/home made pickles/jam.

Egg salad.

Tea & Berry Crisp.

Well, I am just waiting to see the diners' faces. One in particular is a difficult person who loves to eat huge quantities of several different kinds of rich food when he comes here. :ohmy: He is not above making demands right at the table for something that he thinks he should have but which isn't there!!! :pig:

My question: has anyone here ever done something really different for an Easter (or other big holiday) meal with guests? Dying to know!

I feel light hearted and happy just thinking of not standing over a stove for hours!

How about adding a lovely soup
Yesterday was market day and I'd asked Glenn before the weekend to think of something he'd really like to have for Easter dinner. As of yesterday morning he hadn't any suggestions, so I went to the market and let the winds take me. I ended up with a nice big ham that I'm going to bake according to the directions given by one of our dearest friends, who also happens to be a fabulous cook.

I wanted to make a sweet potato dish of some sort but the sweet potatoes that were available were nothing short of pathetic so I passed. I have a big basket of apples that I think I'll use in place of the sweet potatoes, then maybe do something nice with green beans. I also have some lovely yellow squash in the freezer and I think I'll do something with that, too.

I'm planning blood orange cheesecake for dessert. We'll have plenty.

It'll be just the two of us and, who knows, we may end up on the motorcycle headed who-knows-where and eat out.
I picked up a ham (since we had turkey this past Sunday). I'll probably bake it with a maple-syrup glaze. Sides will most likely be beans from the garden (in the freezer), maybe some buttermilk biscuits, and I don't know what else. Depends on what the DH brings out to the farm. I'm trying to empty stuff out of the freezer so I don't have to move as much frozen stuff back to the house in the City in May.

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