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Assistant Cook
May 25, 2010

About half a week ago, I tried baking cookies for the first time and the result was amazing! However, that time, I didn't have plenty of flour left. The only ingredients I added were: flour, egg, baking powder, granulated sugar, butter, and salt. When they all were mixed, it was too moisty and sticky because apparently, there was no more flour. I was unable to make them into balls, so I just used a spoon and put them on the pan. Again as mentioned, the baked outcome was great. Pretty yellowish golden.

And today... it was a nightmare! My parents wanted me to bake them again, yet without too much sugar added. And we had plenty of flour left, so I thought this should be much better. Nope. It turned out too horrid! As I made them into balls and put them in the oven, the size won't increase. Only a tiny tiny bit. There were some cracks on the top too. Not that good. The color was too pale—white. :huh:

So, what happened? Does the moisty cookie dough actually give a better result?
You talk about how they looked, but how did each batch taste?

Are you going by a recipe or just adding what ingredients you have? It sounds like the proportion of the flour was too low in the first and too high in the second.
Thank you for your reply.

The second batch tasted too stiff. I apologize for not adding any details about this part. And, I followed the recipe. Like I mentioned, the first batch was unable to be added with more flour because it ran out. The result was great. As for the second batch, it was the opposite when I actually had enough flour.

What I wanted to know is: does a moisty cookie dough with fewer amount of flour result in "original" look and taste? Or am I missing something?

Thanks, again.
May:) LP has offered some good advice.
But do not be concerned. Recipe failure when cooking for guests is part of the Cooking module in Murphy's Law - a law which governs almost every facit of our lives:))
If you could post exactly the recipe you made each time we can help you troubleshoot. Its a bit tough otherwise.

My own guess would be that the first time you made a "cake" type cookie that doesn't need a lot of flour and has a loose dough. The second time when you added all the flour the dough was stiffer, and less pleasant apparently. Thats only a guess though.

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