What are you eating Monday March 28, 2022?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Corned Beef sandwich, homemade coleslaw, and strawberry shortcake.


Tonight DH grilled "Barbecue Raspberry-Hoisin Chicken". We had Basmati rice and spinach with it. This was our 3rd time for the chicken, so I guess that means we really like it. lol
Ordered Thai. DH had chicken pad see ew and I had some two appetizers: some sort of crispy chicken and a mini bowl of tom yum soup. That was delicious.

We had a Danish berry "pudding" for dessert. It's called "rødgrød", but there isn't a good translation for "grød" in this case. The usual translation is gruel or porridge, but there isn't any grain other than a bit of corn starch to thicken it. Potato starch is more traditional, but I'm more familiar with using corn starch, so I get fewer surprises with that. Rød means red.
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