What are you eating Sunday April 12, 2020?

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I cooked a ham early yesterday AM, then fixed some boiled potatoes, cabbage, and carrots. Had some apple and strawberry muffins for dessert.
We had a great Easter, I taught my Sunday School on Zoom, our Pastor did a Facebook live of the 11 am worship. Kind of a bummer for dinner as we normally have a huge meal with a family that has adopted us over the years. But to comply with SD we had a meal at home, just the 3 of us. I did Cube steak with gravy, oven roasted potatoes, fried Okra from the freezer and some whop biscuits.
Aldi had rib roast on sale last week, so DH picked one up and cut it into steaks. We shared one last night, using the reverse sear method; then he seared it on the grill. On the side, we had green beans with sautéed onion and garlic, and boiled fingerling potatoes finished on the grill. I made chimichurri sauce for the steak and potatoes. Girl Scout Trefoils for dessert. I really want a slice of carrot cake.

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