What are you eating Tuesday March 31, 2020?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
DD#2 helped me make dinner. I actually I prepped and told her how to cook it. I pulled out beef cut small for soup instead of large chunks. So the beef kind of disappeared into the sauce. But it was tasty.

Beef stroganoff over buttered egg noodles and side of green beans.

Coincidently, we're having tacos on Tuesday. Specifically, chicken tinga tacos with the usual fixins'.
Woke up this a.m. thinking it was the weekend.

Then I remembered we've been planning this Since the weekend-- Taco Tuesday! with Corn, black bean, green onion, baby toms salad.
Pork tenderloin, baked sweet potatoes, and green beans

Oh and sushi. Because, well, sushi! 20200331_214211.jpg20200331_214248.jpg
Steak Tacos and Rice

Steak Tacos and Rice


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Good looking dinners, all. :yum: I had a swordfish steak and canned green beans with bacon and onion. The swordfish was in the freezer and I haven't been to the grocery store for fresh produce, so canned had to do. I doctored up the beans with bacon and onion from the freezer.
I finally got around to trying out Chef John's Spicy Tuna Rice Bowl

Since I found out that the nightshades only seem to bother me when I overdo them, I made it with orange bell pepper. I would have used red, but they were out at the store.

I looked up how much rice 1 cup of dry makes. If it's white rice, it seems to make 3 cups, so I just nuked 3 cups of already cooked brown basmati.

It was pretty good and I'll probably make it again with tweaks. It was a bit overly tangy and there was too much liquid. It's not very photogenic. It might have looked better served in bowls, so maybe I'll do that next time.


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We had leftovers from lunch Sunday - pork roast, mashed potatoes & gravy, with carrots, yellow squash, zucchini, and onions. Rice krispy treats for dessert.
Last night I boiled some shrimp in diced onions, white wine, little home made chicken stock, little water and a little shake of Tajin. Pretty tasty. DH had grilled steak. He made a nice big salad for the both of us.

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