What are you eating Wednesday August 12, 2020?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I finally got to Trader Joe’s. Then the bakery and grocery store. So TJ's cheese, dry sausage, fruit preserves/spread, grapes, bread and crackers for dinner. Trader Joe's Belgian chocolate pudding and rice pudding for dessert.

Hopefully A/C will be fixed tomorrow. Send prayers and good thoughts please.
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Good luck with that AC, msmofet! I can't imagine being without it in this weather!

I have to get to Trader Joe's sometime - haven't been there since January! Several things I have to stock up on.

For lunch, I made sort of a tostada - toasted two corn tortillas over an open flame, spread some leftover chili on one, sprinkled some cheese in it, put the other tortilla over it, sprinkled with a little more cheese, and heated it in the microwave. Simple and delicious!
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I am about to go thaw some smoked salmon, so we can have it on bagels with cream cheese for supper. I'll see if I have the oomph to make a salad to go with it. I'm having postdrome from yesterday's migraine.
I'm out of bread. Out of lots of basics. Tired and grumpy. Too lazy to hit the store, so I logged in to GrubHub for Five Guys cheeseburgers. They should be here shortly....and I'm happier already! :yum:
Scallops Alfredo with Bacon over Pasta, and the Salad...

Scallops Alfredo with Bacon over Pasta, Salad....jpg
I am about to go thaw some smoked salmon, so we can have it on bagels with cream cheese for supper. I'll see if I have the oomph to make a salad to go with it. I'm having postdrome from yesterday's migraine.

That was delicious. I made a salad of two kinds of lettuce, pea shoots, brocolli, and sea asparagus. I had made a biggish batch of vinaigrette "base" a little while ago - no fresh herbs or garlic in it to go off. So, that saved energy.
I've been in a big emotional funk for a while and no energy to do much of anything.

Tonight I made a real effort to do "my thing" outside with an entire grill meal and it did wonders for my mood that I've "still got it". My good book, good music and good wine helped.

Chicken thighs grilled to perfection with Singapore Seasoning and salt.
Grilled asparagus seasoned with olive oil/Italian seasons/salt .
Foil wrapped gold potatoes.

I met the challenge of getting it all ready for dinner at once, and that made me happy.
Everything was cooked perfectly and delicious.
Glad you got a little spark back, Kayelle. I've been tired of fixing dinner lately. Since I never tire of eating, I push on. Sometimes, though that carrot on the stick needs to be a brownie. [emoji38]


I wish I was as composed as some of my salads...
Looks so good, all. :yum: I was going to grill, but cleaned up the patio instead...then it got late and ordered in for delivery instead.

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