What did you eat Friday, December 15, 2023?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Pan-fried strip steak and salad last night.

I made a sheet pan dinner...just something I pulled together from other recipes I've made. Mini chicken meatloaves with roasted carrots, yams and red onion. It was a very good meal and there are 2 meatloaves leftover for another meal.
Yesterday was a super busy painting day. To make it easy on myself I thawed out two big servings or thanksgiving casserole (stuffing/gravy/sweet potatoes/mashed potatoes). Made some mushroom gravy, found some jellied cranberry sauce from 22 we had canned. Cut the casserole in slices, then air fried them to get the edges crispy, then served with the gravy and cranberry sauce. It was delicious. I Need to make that casserole again. It freezes great.
Friday I was on my own for supper. I made an Iberian-style-chorizo stuffed chicken breast. I also finished off the mujardara that came with last Tuesday's produce+ basket.
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