What is the most flavorfull oil in your opinion

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I suppose most people will answer olive oil. It interests me to know because I am going to use a few tablespoons on a salad.
Olive oil, extra virgin for salad dressings, and regular for cooking. Sorry to be so predictable!
I get the best extra-virgin that I can afford, but the store brand of regular olive oil works for cooking.
For a finishing oil, toasted sessme oil is very flavorful. Herb, and garlic infused oils are also great. Usually, extra virgin olive oil is used when making herb, or pepper infused oil.

Other flavorful oils include peanut, hazelnut, and other nut oils.

Hope that helps.

Seeeeya, Chief longwind of the North
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"What is the most flavorfull oil in your opinion"

Might be mustard oil. But, I'm not sure that would be good in a salad dressing.
Sesame oil is the most flavorful, IMO, but not for salad, like with mustard oil! Unless you want to use a very small amount, as a flavor - I do this, with some Asian based salads.

Also, there is a raw sesame oil that has good, mild flavor - usually only see it in health food stores or Indian markets.

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if one has the opportunity - a visit to a 'olive oil bar' in a specialty and/or well stock shop is very informative.

perhaps a dozen "extra virgin olive oils" available to sample - and their 'taste' varies wildly from very mild to very strong.

so, olive oil is a major nominee - but all olive oils are not alike.
although not the MOST flavorful, Walnut oil has a nice subtle walnutty flavor to it.

Toasted Sesame Oil gives a real ' in your face' sesame flavor,ina good way. But only use if you want that flavor ( usually asian dishes).
For a salad - hazelnut oil.
For cooking - mustard oil, raw peanut oil (Chinese groceries)
For finishing - sesame oil
For everything - olive oil
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