What makes us love/hate certain chefs???

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I think since I made one of the first comments about Rachel Ray, perhaps I should say why I dislike her. As long as she had one show and it didn't come on every other time slot, I was okay with her, but when she got so many more time slots and got sillier, I just couldn't take her. It seems they want to use her in every possible situation and that gets very boring to me. I want information when I watch foodtv, not comedy or silliness or interviews. I like Giada - she is very informative and even shows the party she has prepared the food for and I like Ina Garten's program some of the time. She tends to get a little silly also, going really overboard at times. But, perhaps my life is too simple to understand some of what these people do. I enjoy good food, good friendships (that don't expect me to come up with all new dishes each time they are invited) and not having to make a trip to every store in town to turn out a good meal.
#1 for me is that I hate loud, and Emeril has just about driven me crazy with Bam. In fact, I like some of his quieter shows quite a bit. #2 -- Rachel Ray. I love the concept of a couple of her shows, and have actually gotten some bright ideas from the episodes ... but her nervous giggle makes me, well, nervous.
omg that's too funny !!!! dying over here !!!!!!!!
han i have to know where that came from roflmao
i really hope sushi sees that !!
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