What's Cooking for Valentine's Day 2011?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Wow, I get to start this!

DH is working two shifts today, one at each job. (Ya, happy Valentine's) but we already Celebrated it by going out last Thursday).

All I know is it will be some kind of soup for Dad and I and DH will pick up his thermos full as he goes from job to job.

What about you? Are you cooking, being cooked for or being taken out?
I made some duck liver pate last night. Will have a boiled egg with it and crackers.

The I have a salad with honeyed figs and Roquefort with a sherry vinaigrette.

The main will be roast duck with asparagus and mashed potatoes.

We have Kathleen's cookies for dessert.
Not sure whats for dinner tonight. I have several choices though which include - meat - chicken breast, bottom round roast, fresh produce - potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, string beans and basil or breakfast including bacon & eggs. I will figure it out later after I ask what everyone wants.
We had our Valentine Day dinner yesterday as it was more laid back. Today we will have chicken dinner pies for dinner.

It's a lot of work, walking all the way downstairs to the freezer and defrosting two pies so they can be heated for dinner around 7:30 tonight. :angel:
I'll make spaghetti since it's DH's favorite (often requested) and it's his long day. The sauce and noodles will keep for him to eat when he gets home.
I'll probably cook some rice along with the leftover roasted plobano chicken I made the other night, but I am headed to wally world for peanut oil and might pick up some Johnsonville brats... I haven't had brats in a while. Maybe one for lunch and one for supper.
I and a load of my single friends are getting together for a meal this evening. We'll each bring something to the table and some wine and just have a lovely singles Valentine! It should be a lot of fun.
I am taking tempura prawns and a mixed rice dish.
Tonight we are having my Strawberry and Dark Chocolate Salad, Crispy French Onion Chicken, cauliflower, and rice. For dessert we are having "cream puff" ice-cream sandwiches with home-made chocolate sauce, strawberries, and whipped cream.
Tonight we are having my Strawberry and Dark Chocolate Salad, Crispy French Onion Chicken, cauliflower, and rice. For dessert we are having "cream puff" ice-cream sandwiches with home-made chocolate sauce, strawberries, and whipped cream.
That sounds awesome Dave!! Would you share the chicken recipe pretty please. It sounds fantastic.

Now you know me better than that... :angel:

Poor grammar on my part. I meant one choice (chicken or brats) for lunch and the other for dinner. And I have decided for lunch it will be the chicken over rice and tonight it will be a couple brats grilled, with sautéed onion, pepper and potatoes on bolillo rolls.

Roast chicken that I brined, zucchini and yellow squash casserole and roast potatoes.

My SO is recovering from eye surgery that he had last week. So, we are going to celebrate at a later date. Tonight, it's going to be homemade meatballs tossed in gravy and served atop rice. On the side, bread -n- butter and a nice salad.
James and I are spending Valentine's Day about 90 miles apart, so I made something special for him last night (Welsh Rarebit from his Star Trek Cookbook) to go along with the meat and vegetable (which weren't anything special. He really liked it. I am working on a special thing to send him this evening though. I don't think he looks in the "what's for supper" threads very often, so I will go ahead and say what it is. I am making a PowerPoint called "James and Barbara Leonard: The Romance of the Century." LOL So far I have how we met and our wedding. Back to work on it now!

I am going to have homemade tacos. :cool:

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Lunch: Vine Tomato and spring mix greens on toasted whole grain bread with mayo, ground sea salt and ground peppercorn blend.

Valentine's Day Supper

Well, stuffed mushroom caps (bacon-cream cheese, onion--I wanted oven-fried mushrooms but he nixed that), followed by grilled salmon with a cherry sauce (http://www.cooksrecipes.com/sauce/cherry_sauce_for_grilled_salmon_recipe.html--I use lime instead of lemon juice--made the sauce yesterday); quinoa with cumin-scented roasted sweet potatoes, tossed salad (romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, strawberries, and a olive oil-balsamic vinegar dressing), and fresh blueberries with cream and maple syrup for dessert.
That sounds awesome Dave!! Would you share the chicken recipe pretty please. It sounds fantastic.

Here it is: :)

French Fried Onion Chicken

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter melted
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp ground mustard
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp pepper (or to taste)
1 6 oz can of French's French Fried Onions
4 boneless chicken breasts, pounded to be uniform thickness
non-stick cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

1. In a large shallow bowl, mix the melted butter, Worcestershire sauce, ground mustard, garlic powder,
and pepper.

2. Put the french fried onions in a zip top bag and crush them. Pour the crushed onions into another large shallow bowl

3. Spray a Pyrex or ceramic baking dish with the cooking spray. Use a dish large enough to not crowd the chicken.

4. Dip one chicken breast into the butter mixture to coat.

5. Place the chicken in the crushed onions and press to coat, flip and press to coat the other side.

6. Place the chicken in the baking dish.

7. Repeat with the remaining chicken breasts.

8. Use any remaining onions to top coat the breasts in the pan.

9. Pour any remaining butter mixture over the top of the chicken.

10. Bake for 30 minutes or until the chicken juices run clear.
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