What's cooking Saturday May 15, 2010?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Well hopefully the chicken that I didn't make yesterday. String beans maybe frenched and sauted with mushrooms and whatever else needs to be used in the crisper. LOL

Whats on the menu for you today?
i'm waiting on a few ingredients from jake & my list keeps changing.:angel:
skillet steak, potato (smushed reds), roast tomato, veggies, bread.
In honor of the running of the Preakness at Pimlico today, I'll be making Maryland Crab Cake sandwiches with a nice big salad of greens from the farmers market on the side.
We will have pork chops tonight. Not sure what else. Probably mashed potatoes and a veggie. Probably nothing fancy, unless I get more energy. :cool:

planning on fish, sauté in no salt butter,just a tiny bid. left over half baked potatoes. couple veg. maybe fresh baby carrots and french cut canned beans (have to rinse them off) sugar free pudding for dessert. choco i think
Shrimp, sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, garlic, olive oil. Gonna cook it all up somehow and toss it with some pasta.
i finally got my dinner together a few hours ago!
the skillet steak- butter/salt/pepper/worchestershire, portioned the meat after cooking, then made a buerre noisette of sorts. there was a splash of chardonnay in there, though.
batonnet carrot, simmered/drained, & buttery/gingery/sage/citrus sauce.
roast grape tomato haves, herbed & olive oiled.
french-cut grn. bns., too.
then a few sauteed shiitake 'shrooms, sliced/seasoned (herbs/seasalt/garlic/chardonnay.)
also buttered italian bread.

gonna prep a stuffing soon for another nite's dinner, either for a prune/apricot-stuffed pork-loin or a roast chix din-din.
Chicken cutlet dredged in seasoned flour and pan fried in butter and canola oil, pan dripping lemon sauce and fresh sting beans with mushrooms, onion and almonds.



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