What's for dinner Saturday, March 9 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Roast chicken thighs roasted over dressing, with gravy, plus steamed broccoli and carrots.

Well we ate away, he went to a restaurant meeting, mexican but they didn't have whole beans just mashed with lard, and he doesn't eat lard, so he got indigestion that's lasted hours. He had a heart attack 5 years ago and doesn't need lard, unless he wants to have another. I ate with my friend at her house, I brought veggie rice with black beans and peach salsa, yellow salsa, red salsa, taco sauce, all of them home made. Then I came home to eat 6 baked tortillas baked, broken, red salsa and avocado. Truly a mexican food feast. Mr bliss had some toast and a banana so he felt better. Some mexican restaurants are great at having chopped tomatoes, plain beans, rice w/o oil, but not this time. Chinese restaurants also usually do enough vegetables, no sauce, rice no oil, so we can eat.
It was my family friend's 79th birthday, so my cousins and I went to her son & daughter-in-law's house on the James River in Rushmere, which is a suburb of Smithfield, in VA. We had grilled chicken, grilled steak bites, grilled vegetables, lo mein noodles, fried rice, and birthday cake. Brought some of the meat, vegetables, and lo mein noodles home for lunch tomorrow.
I baked grouper last night. Seasoned the filets with Penzeys Trinidad lemon, ginger and garlic seasoning, then brushed them with mayo mixed with homemade Dijon-style mustard and preserved lemon, then topped them with panko breadcrumbs mixed with grated Parmesan cheese. Served with rice pilaf, pan-roasted asparagus topped with extra breadcrumb mixture, and a citrus-raspberry salad sprinkled with Bulgarian white cheese, a type of feta that's very creamy. Good stuff.

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