What's on the Sunday table 8/22/10?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Good early morning/day everyone!!

I made my sesame noodles (they taste better cold the next day), my chicken legs & wings are waiting to brine & then marinade (probably an asian flavor to compliment the noodles. I think I will roast them, then either under the broiler or grill on stove-top haven't decided yet to add a little color & flavor), cauliflower, broccoli, baby red & yukons & mushrooms need to be used so maybe roasted veggies.

Do you have any plans?
We will be having 2 roasted chickens,angel hair pasta with pesto and a side dish of chopped tomatoes to put over ive added some tarrgon and fresh parsley to my pesto and will also add some fried prosciutto to the top of the pasta, arugula salad with tomatoes, onion, avocado, garlic bread cubes,watermelon from our garden and sicccnce our peaches are comming in maybe a peach cobbler for dessert.
My Sunday Dinner (11:30 AM)

Fried Wangs My Way......
FF My Eggplant...
Butter My Beans.........
Pink-Eye Purple My Hull Peas....
Yellow Crook My Neck Squash......
Still Warm My Chocolate Cake/Nilla Cream.......
My Sunday Dinner (11:30 AM)

Fried Wangs My Way......
FF My Eggplant...
Butter My Beans.........
Pink-Eye Purple My Hull Peas....
Yellow Crook My Neck Squash......
Still Warm My Chocolate Cake/Nilla Cream.......

Oh My!:LOL:
Today we were invited out to Sunday lunch and had classic roast beef, Yorkshire pud and a huge variety of veg including homegrown baby carrots, dwarf, runner beans and broad beans which were lovely. For dessert we had a glorious gooseberry fool of which I managed to obtain the recipe by doing what I know best: sweet talking. ;)
Well I WAS thinking of doing either a roast beef or chicken but I think I'll head over to kadesma's place and stop by Uncle Bob's for leftovers on the way home!
Appetizer night tonight. Shrimp cerviche, puff pastry pinwheels with prosciutto, basil and cheese, cheese puffs, etc.
Experimenting with a new recipe today. We've been talking about it over here.

Jalapeno Sausage in Tamale Wrappers. I'll post pics and working copy of the recipe...but only if it turns out as well as msmofet's dinner last Thursday!

Well, if it doesn't rain I'll be grilling some steaks. If it rains... left-over chicken and oven fries OR BLT's and oven fries.
my daughter is bringing me pasta. not sure how i will manage that. so asked her to bring subway ,half dinner, half tomorrow night. the guy next door brought me mexican soup,(homemade
Been lazy all day after a very busy yesterday. Dinner will be steak on the grill, baked potatoes, romaine salad with marinated olives, marinated baby bell peppers, Feta cheese and vinaigrette dressing, iced tea and Bananas Foster Cake for dessert. Put everything together yesterday, so all we'll have to do is slap the steak on the grill.
Been lazy all day after a very busy yesterday. Dinner will be steak on the grill, baked potatoes, romaine salad with marinated olives, marinated baby bell peppers, Feta cheese and vinaigrette dressing, iced tea and Bananas Foster Cake for dessert. Put everything together yesterday, so all we'll have to do is slap the steak on the grill.
That sounds soooooooooo good!!

Katie I ordered some Ideal Sweetner for baking. It is expected next week. I want to try making your devil's food cake with it. I love that cake but haven't made it since doc found type 2!! I HOPE IT IS GOOD because I really miss that cake!
Roasted Chicken legs & wings (soaked in salt water then marinated in sesame oil, hot chili sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, rice cooking wine, grated fresh ginger, grated fresh garlic, Splenda brown sugar and sesame seeds), sesame noodles (the family is addicted to these noodles!!), steamed cauliflower, broccoli & carrots, tomato salad and bean salad (that needed to be used).

Yummy Food Night!

This must be yummy food night. Everything sounds so good! I love appetizers for dinner, grilled things, and those addictive sesame seed noodles! YUM!

For lunch today, I made some stuffed green peppers with Greek beans and potatoes. For dinner tonight, Frank made fabulous French toast with sausage. Tonight for a snack, we have some melon. Definitely a lazy day. :chef:

Experimenting with a new recipe today. We've been talking about it over here.

Jalapeno Sausage in Tamale Wrappers. I'll post pics and working copy of the recipe...but only if it turns out as well as msmofet's dinner last Thursday!


Just finished up with dinner the smoked sausages turned out well. Smoked some chicken for use later in the week and we had a little of that also. Cheesy grits on the side. Pics uploaded to the other thread if you're interested.

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West African goat stew ... onion, red bell pepper, habanero, garlic, celery, eggplant, okra, tomato, thyme cumin tumeric, goat, potatoes, zucchini, any beans you want. shrimp or anchovy paste for depth of flavor and ground nut paste (peanut butter) for smoothness.

Make it with any meat or fish...I had goat tonight. It is so good and uses all the bounty of the garden!
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