What's on your plate Friday, 6-22-18?

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DH went running and now it's raining. Whoops! [emoji38] I guess our plan to grill burgers and corn on the cob will move inside. We'll also have diced fresh fruit with Penzeys Pico Fruta.
I had a very late lunch today (3PM) at Aw Shucks. I had grilled oysters. They are freshly shucked oysters flame grilled with parmesan cheese and garlic butter. They were really good! They come with some toasted french bread to sop up the stuff left in the shell after you eat the oysters.

So, tonight I will be grazing on fruits, nuts cheese and whatever else looks good in the fridge and pantry.

I collect the tips from the tenderloins I cut at the deli (I can't afford to eat tenderloin with the prices I charge:ohmy:). Quick marinade with olive oil, garlic and steak spice...skewered and on the grill..


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Looks delish, Roch. :yum:

Egg salad sandwich on rye this evening, chilled watermelon and strawberries for sides.
It does look good, Roch. Not a bad meal from deli scraps. ;)

We had salads, baked haddock with Ritz crumb-Lake Shore Drive seasoning (Spice House) topping, and fresh corn off the cob. Sounded so healthy...so I evened things up by making small brownie sundaes for us. :LOL: Half a bakery brownie, very small scoop of vanilla, Smuckers Simple hot fudge sauce, and a *ppbblllltttt" of canned whipping cream. Himself had two maraschino cherries - I'm not a big fan, so he got mine as a bonus.
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