What's the last movie you watched?

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:) I am in the middle of Death Wish with Charles Bronson (1974) I love Charles Bronson but I have to say the sound track in this movie really sucks but Charlie himself is is a bad a** and always has been.
We are going to go to the theatre to see The Bucket List with jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Friends saw it and said it was hilarious.
Clerks II - rather vulgar movie but has it's funny parts.

Nacho Librie - how ever you spell it..... wow, what a waste of film!
Can't remember if I posted it here already but we just watched Super Size Me, can't believe it took us this long to see it. I'm shocked people still eat fast food after watching it. Gross!

Today I watched Satan's Little Helper, a total low budget horror/comedy that gave me a giggle!
I recently went to the theater to see Sweeney Todd. It was a very well made film. A bit over done on the bloody side but it went with the story so I couldn't say it was really gratuitous gore. The music was good but have heard better singers sing those tunes. I FINALLY got all the way through Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's my son's favorite but I always fell asleep when he played the DVD. It was on Sci-Fi channel and with the commercials to break it up I stayed awake and got through it. It was interesting to watch.
I FINALLY got all the way through Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's my son's favorite but I always fell asleep when he played the DVD.
LOL My mom always did that when I tried showing her The Princess Bride! Fifteen minutes into it she was always asleep!

I finally just got to see Bridge to Terabithia. It couldn't show the depth of their friendship as much as the book did, but I thought they did an excellent job. I cried just about as much as I did when I read it!

I just watched "Namesake" from Netflix. Excellent movie. Slow at the start but stay with it. Worth the time. Now I'm sorry I didn't read the book.
I pretty much enjoy any movie Sandra Bullock is in ;)
I do too! Possibly for different reasons, but I just love her! She's cute as can be, and she has a great voice quality, but the thing I really like about her is that she is always believable.


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