Why Is There Such a Thing As "Frozen Dairy Dessert"?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Over the weekend I made an apple pie. Can't have apple pie without vanilla ice cream so I asked SO to stop and pick up a carton of vanilla bean ice cream while she was out.

She came home with Breyer's instead of our normal brand as that wasn't available. A closer inspection of the carton revealed she had bought "Extra Creamy Frozen Dairy Dessert".

"What is frozen dairy dessert?", you ask. It's not ice cream. Breyer's (and others) have bastardized their product so much the Federal Government says they can no longer call it ice cream! It has an off putting texture and never freezes hard like ice cream would.

A quick inspection of the label gives us a clue. The ingredients are, listed in order from most to least, MILK, SUGAR, CORN STARCH, CREAM and a whole bunch of less than 2% stuff.

I'm not a fan of fake food.

[Rant over]
I'm a big Tillamook fan and avoid anything that doesn't actually say Ice Cream. (runs to the freezer to double check the ingredients listing on the half gallon of Tillamook hanging out in there...):LOL:

And in our Topsy Turvey Wrold .... COOL WHIP has dairy it it now!

I hate Cool Whip but made a special dessert for a milk-allergic friend and needed to use it. Got it home and re-read the ingredients and there is was .... cream ...:w00t2::furious:
And in our Topsy Turvey Wrold .... COOL WHIP has dairy it it now!

I hate Cool Whip but made a special dessert for a milk-allergic friend and needed to use it. Got it home and re-read the ingredients and there is was .... cream ...:w00t2::furious:

Cool Whip is an abomination. I won't use it. I wish I had access to George Carlin's bit on Cool Whip. It says it all.
And in our Topsy Turvey Wrold .... COOL WHIP has dairy it it now!

I hate Cool Whip but made a special dessert for a milk-allergic friend and needed to use it. Got it home and re-read the ingredients and there is was .... cream ...:w00t2::furious:

Yeap, Cool Whip that sold as "non-dairy" is actually very much so dairy.

As far as ice cream goes, it is not what it once was. Made out of real cream, or whole milk, it tasted so rich and yummy. Nowadays they make it out of milk whey. So it tastes accordingly.
Yeap, Cool Whip that sold as "non-dairy" is actually very much so dairy.

As far as ice cream goes, it is not what it once was. Made out of real cream, or whole milk, it tasted so rich and yummy. Nowadays they make it out of milk whey. So it tastes accordingly.
Ice cream made of cream is available. It might be hard to find in a small town, though.
If one wants real ice cream, it's easy enough to make using real ingredients. Okay, it does require a special piece of equipment, but a small ice cream maker isn't prohibitively expensive. And the results taste much better - or at least I think so - than what you buy at the store.
If one wants real ice cream, it's easy enough to make using real ingredients. Okay, it does require a special piece of equipment, but a small ice cream maker isn't prohibitively expensive. And the results taste much better - or at least I think so - than what you buy at the store.

Yes, and beside the point. I can get real ice cream at the store or make it in my own home, which I do. I was just commenting on the existence of a 'fake' ice cream.
Andy, I know just what you mean about Breyers (and others) making something that is NOT ice cream. The other one that gets me in ice cream and candy - "Chocolatey" coating, pieces, etc. If I go for chocolate or ice cream, I want the real things.

(Sorry for ranting in your rant :ermm:)
Andy, I know just what you mean about Breyers (and others) making something that is NOT ice cream. The other one that gets me in ice cream and candy - "Chocolatey" coating, pieces, etc. If I go for chocolate or ice cream, I want the real things.

(Sorry for ranting in your rant :ermm:)

I agree, LP. "Choclatey" is another sneaky word. No actual chocolate needs to be included.
How about Pringles "wheat based snack chip", not potato chip.

Doesn't matter to me though. Pringles are great for backpacking and canoe trips.
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If your choice after a couple of days on the trail is a bag of potato bits and crumbs or Pringles, I'll take the reconstituted whole chips.

They're really not that bad.
If your choice after a couple of days on the trail is a bag of potato bits and crumbs or Pringles, I'll take the reconstituted whole chips.

They're really not that bad.

Pringles taste OK. It's just a matter of principle for me.
Not a fan of pre-chewed and reconstituted foods.

Yeah... I'm a bit of a potato chip addict, and Pringles don't qualify.... yuck! :sick:

If your choice after a couple of days on the trail is a bag of potato bits and crumbs or Pringles, I'll take the reconstituted whole chips.

They're really not that bad.

I never saw any need for chips of any kind when I was backpacking (For one thing you still have to pack out that can - there are lighter forms of packaging. I never carried anything I didn't absolutely need when hiking over 12,000 foot mountain passes.). For trail munchies I used home made trail mix - about half M&M's and the rest nuts and granola and coconut. We always tried to find a Mom and Pop store soon after we got on the road toward home so we could satisfy the junk food withdrawals from abstinence on the trail.
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Lol, some of the shops near the Appalachian Trail have awesome frozen dairy dessert for the ride home.

Now you've given me two more reasons to never go back packing or other wilderness activities that require me to walk a lot and carry all my own food.
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