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    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Our pets.
      One one kitty is missing a pair... :) A sweater isn't going to keep him from licking, though the risks from him licking is far less...
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Our pets.
      I am missing more than one pair.. someone messed up the first go at this.
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Our pets.
      The shelter mentioned it since they don't make cones small enough for kittens, especially one as small as Ygritte. She's a little peanut.
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Our pets.
      They usually hang out together and they love watching TV together.
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Our pets.
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    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Our pets.
      The hoard is home and trying to make up for lost time zooming. The girls are wearing sock sweaters to help keep them from licking the...
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Today's Funny.
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    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Stray Thoughts 2.0.
      That's a fun stretch of road.
    • FrankZ
      Today is someone's birthday... She got a bunch of stuff the last couple weeks and we are going to dinner tonight. Tomorrow is ice...
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Today's Funny.
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    • FrankZ
      That might be debatable. :D
    • FrankZ
      GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! No blade grinder.. blade grinder bad bad.... Especially if you want espresso.
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Going MIA.
      Take your time, get unpacked but be ready before football season starts.
    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Today's Funny.
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    • FrankZ
      FrankZ replied to the thread Our pets.
      Meet (top to bottom) Ygritte, Mance and Osha our new wildlings.
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