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    • J
      Jusa reacted to blissful's post in the thread Grocery deals! with Like Like.
      Reduced produce today: 2 bags of plums $1 each, total of about 8 lbs-which I washed and cut up off the pit, and am dehydrating until...
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      Jusa reacted to msmofet's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      Will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    • J
      Jusa reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      taxy, words are hard to come by with this sad news. Thinking of you and so wish I was closer.
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      Jusa reacted to Aunt Bea's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      CG, Thank you for sharing this sad news with us. @taxlady, Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. B 💐
    • J
      Jusa reacted to larry_stewart's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      Very sad news. Thanks for keeping us updated.
    • J
      Jusa reacted to Cooking Goddess's post in the thread Going MIA with Sad Sad.
      I just got a request from @taxlady to let you all know that her dear Stirling passed away today. She said that she will be back after...
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      Jusa reacted to Andy M.'s post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      I am saddened to hear this.
    • J
      Jusa reacted to Kathleen's post in the thread Going MIA with Wow Wow.
      We just returned from a trip to Alaska. Our middle niece Laura and her husband went with us. We went snow machining in Gridwood up to...
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      Jusa reacted to Kathleen's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      @taxlady I wish I had words to express how sorry I am to hear of your loss. Our prayers are with you.
    • J
      Jusa reacted to GotGarlic's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      @taxlady, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. We'll be here when you're ready to come back. Hugs.
    • J
      Jusa reacted to Marlingardener's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      Taxlady, you will be missed while you work through this very difficult time. We will welcome you back enthusiastically when you return...
    • J
      Jusa reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      Thank you everyone. Knowing that there is this caring community really helps and the condolences are appreciated.
    • J
      Jusa reacted to bethzaring's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      Taxi, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts. Come back when you are ready.
    • J
      Jusa reacted to Kaneohegirlinaz's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      @taxlady I'm sending much ALOHA to you and yours. Take care of yourself, I know that during difficult times in our lives we forget...
    • J
      Jusa reacted to Dawgluver's post in the thread Going MIA with Like Like.
      Thank you for sharing this, CG. So very sad. Taxy, big hugs, sending comforting thoughts in this terrible time.
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