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    • LovelyLinda
      LovelyLinda reacted to KatyCooks's post in the thread Frozen Prunes with Wow Wow.
      If I didn't know better I might incline to think that this is a tad sarcastic. I wonder who "LovelyLinda" really is..
    • LovelyLinda
      LovelyLinda reacted to KatyCooks's post in the thread Frozen Prunes with Like Like.
      Some time ago, I had cause to buy a tin of prunes in apple juice. I used about a quarter of the tin, and thought it would be wasteful...
    • LovelyLinda
      LovelyLinda replied to the thread Frozen Prunes.
      You could make my world famous prune casserole! :chef: Here's the recipe: Ingredients: - 6 8oz cans prunes - Dish 1. Preheat oven to...
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