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  1. Chile Chef

    Just found out how to grow garlic

    Let me know and I'll keep you updated as well.
  2. Chile Chef

    Just found out how to grow garlic

    I just found out how to grow garlic via my brother who is staying in town for a while. What you do is to "Crack it & peel it, Plant it 1 1/2 inches in the soil with pointy side up and then cover it with the rest of the soil" That's very cool.
  3. Chile Chef

    ISO Habanero Relish

    Ditto However I like to know what a desert spoon is though??
  4. Chile Chef

    Derek's BBQ Hot Dry Rub!

    Here's a Dry rub I'm working on at the moment that doesn't require more then a pinch of salt... ( Right now it doesn't have any salt... ) Derek's BQQ Hot Dry Rub! * 1/2 cup brown sugar * 1/4 table spoon cayenne pepper * 1/4th teaspoon chilly powder * 1/4th teaspoon cumin...
  5. Chile Chef

    ISO Habanero Relish

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a Habenero relish recipe that has a very low to no salt content in it. Thank you Derek...
  6. Chile Chef

    Sun Tea question?

    Thank you guys and gals, By the way Getoutofmykitchen, I think I use the same brand but decafinated. However I may switch to green tea....
  7. Chile Chef

    Sun Tea question?

    Thank you for the read GB... I didn't know tea could grow bacteria?
  8. Chile Chef

    Sun Tea question?

    May I ask how come? Don't you just put it in the window sill & let it steep for a day or ?
  9. Chile Chef

    Sun Tea question?

    What's the best sun tea or tea to steep in the sun for the best flavor, where I can add my own simple sugar?
  10. Chile Chef

    I'm back in the kitchen!

    gracias Kades, estoy esperando que el resto de la banda se empieza a charlar conmigo de nuevo.
  11. Chile Chef

    I'm back in the kitchen!

    I sure do kades, And thank you again. I'll start posting spelling corrected recipes on here soon again....
  12. Chile Chef

    I'm back in the kitchen!

    Grousuios Sinorita.Kades, Also at the mexicana store here in Michigan they said I'm an honorary Gringo, and I've formed a nice relationship with most of the people who run the store. So they will be helping me with my Spanish a little bit and with spice buying & food purchases. They've...
  13. Chile Chef

    I'm back in the kitchen!

    Thank you Kades, and I'm also learning Rosetta Stone Latin America "Spanish" So I can actually get a real Spanish cook book and learn to cook in spanish.... I know you are going to say waste of money and you could have asked us for help. But once I've learned it, I can translate and so on...
  14. Chile Chef

    I'm back in the kitchen!

    It feels so good to be back in the kitchen finally, I've been in the hospital about 4 solids weeks in there do to stumic pains and other things ( not chf though ) I've been in the kitchen since 8 am this morning making re fried beans, Southern style tea with a simple syrup... And tonight I'm...
  15. Chile Chef

    Mexicana Comal?

    Thank you guys, I've still have to go to my old apartment to get it before the lease is up...
  16. Chile Chef

    Mexicana Comal?

    Its like a flat round plat made in Cast Iron?
  17. Chile Chef

    Worst Cooks in America - A new cooking show

    Same here even compassion!!!
  18. Chile Chef

    What's the last movie you watched?

    Wow, That's an OLDIE. I remember watching that as a teenager, and I thought it was good.
  19. Chile Chef

    Pork spare ribs question

    On the masterbuilt web site they said to find out the ribs are done with an internal temp of 175-200, but I'm doing mine in the oven at 225f. for 4 hours and I stuck a meat probe in them so I can find out when I need to take them out or lower the temp some more. Here's the site ( go to the...
  20. Chile Chef

    What's the last movie you watched?

    That's what my brother clay said, but how can I see the movie in 3d? I wear regular glasses?
  21. Chile Chef

    Last thing that made you smile?

    A sexy nurse who stayed with me for an hour just chatting and getting over a panic attack!
  22. Chile Chef

    Worst Cooks in America - A new cooking show

    So they can learn & grow to become a better cook! I would join and hopefully get some awesome pull witht he food network for healthy cooking.....
  23. Chile Chef

    Pro M chef's knifes?

    Can someone help me determine what knife on the pro m product page is a fillet knife?
  24. Chile Chef

    Pro M chef's knifes?

    Could many of you who these knifes give me a review of the pro M chefs knife?
  25. Chile Chef

    What's the last movie you watched?

    Tremors is a very good but cheesy movie. You can see many mistakes the crew & actors made in the movie it self.
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