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  1. T

    Looking for Good Quality Olive Oil.

    I spent some time with my friend Andrea Giovannini in Florence, Italy who is an expert in the cultivation of olives and manufacture of olive oil. In Italy nobody uses commercial bottled oil, they buy it directly from the plantation by the gallon. Most of the olive oil exported by Italy, is...
  2. T

    Looking for Good Quality Olive Oil.

    Basically first pressed olive oil (or extra virgin) will have a greenish tint. Ordinary olive oil for cooking is yellowish. Some times they try to sell you yellow olive oil as extra virgen, but you should know that if it isn't greenish, is not the real thing. Most bottled extra virgen olive...
  3. T

    Looking for Good Quality Olive Oil.

    Basically there are two types of olive oils, one for cooking and one for eating it raw, like in salads. The first one is called simply "Olive Oil", it has a yellow color. The second one is called "Extra Virgen" olive oil and is greenish, the greener the better. Both oils come from crushing...
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