What's cooking Thursday September 24, 2009?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
not quite sure. something with chuck steak if it thaws.

what about you?
I'm going to a big town for the day and am thinking of picking up some take away on my way home. Dh just left to go visit his mom so I am solo for several days..
I am trying a cuban black bean stew recipe - it is just cool enough and rainy enough to sound good. Corn bread to go with it.
I'm going to a big town for the day and am thinking of picking up some take away on my way home. Dh just left to go visit his mom so I am solo for several days..
My SO is going back to California for over a week to visit some people, so I'll be solo too.

Not sure what I'm making for dinner tonight.
Just about to put some stew beef in the crockpot before we head into our Big City (Vancouver) as Dad has an appointment. When I get home, I will make some buttermilk biscuits to go with.
Will have the remains of the soup that got me with stuffed french bread...Will hollow out the bread,brush with butter then some garlic mayo and add provolone,mortadella,arugula, tomato,onion and then wrap in foil and put in the oven with the cast iron skillet on top...making chocolate chip cookies for dessert with ice cream.
mr. callie made a big pot of chicken/sausage gumbo. with new snow on the mountains and lows in the 20s - it hits the spot!
i think its going to be more left over chicken soup. i'll make the chuck tomorrow.
I've got a loaf of homemade bread cooling. I'm just going to make a big salad to go with it tonight, and probably some fruit. Need a quick dinner.
Pan-seared rainbow trout fillets with a white wine/ scallion/mushroom sauce. Served with roasted spiced potatoes and steamed broccoli.
I made a simple pan of Franks and Beans served up with some deelish Jiffy Corn Bread, loaded with butter and honey. Lots-O-Honey. And a nice cold beer to wash it all down.
everyones meals sound great!!

we had left over soup.

My supper was vegie french bread pizza
It had diced red bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, green onion and mozzarella cheese a top a thrown together sauce on french roll halves.


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