Thanksgiving 2015 - Planning Time

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Thanksgiving is again, as it has been in the last few years, at my sister-in-law's. We're having it on Friday this year, though, since it seemed to work out better for some of the family who have multiple dinners to attend.

I was asked to bring an appetizer and a couple of veggie side dishes. My SIL also asked if I wouldn't mind bringing a diet friendly dessert. I have a recipe for low carb pumpkin pie I've been wanting to try, so that's probably what it will be.
Well I found out today what my plans are for Thanksgiving. My daughter told me to go to the Boston Market site, (see below) look at their holiday menu and let her know what I wanted to eat. She will order it, pick it up and we all will go to her house and eat. And she has enough room that we all can take a nap after or watch TV or whatever we want to do. I will probably take a nap. No dishes to clean up, no going crazy with the cooking, and just sit back and enjoy the day. Her kids have plans of their own. My kind of holiday. :angel:
We are having 22 immediate family and assorted wee people, so far. Not everyone has rsvp'd yet. Pot luck to be sure. Surprisingly, we have enough tables and chairs we can set up in the family room along with the dining room, so everyone has a dinner place. Not sure about where everyone will mingle before dinner and relax afterwards.

Coincidentally we bought a 22 lb Butterball turkey at Super Target this weekend. Will pick up another turkey too.

The turkey day fun is just beginning:yum:
That's a big crowd there, Whisk! Good thing you have seating for everyone - I sure wouldn't. :LOL:

It'll just be the 4 of us - my daughter, SIL, grandson, and me. We've been having Thanksgiving dinner at my home over the years, but daughter and SIL recently bought their first new house and are excited to host dinner at their home this year. They're less than a mile from me now, and we're loving it! :)

We'll have the usual traditional roast turkey and trimmin's, with lots of planned leftovers to share between us. Everyone is healthy, we're able to put a feast on the table and have a roof over our heads - so much to be thankful for.
Still not sure on the number here. There will be at least 5 of us, likely more by the time the day arrives. I sure hope that I don't have to also work that day, it'll make cooking a challenge!
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