Names of my Children

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Chief Longwind Of The North

Aug 26, 2004
I have been renamed by some, supposedly with a Native American Name. If I get a new name, all of my DC Children get new names as well. Her goes.

*G.W - Chief Longwind
*G.W.'s Wife - Queen Yapsalot
*Eldest Daughter (P.A.G.) - Princess Longwind-ette
*Eldest DC Son (BuckyTom) - Prince Bucksnort - also know in California as "Brave Barking Spider"
*Youngest Daughter (Sprout) - Princess Daddy's Girl (Also known as "The Noisy One", and sometimes, "Pest" in our home.
*Snickerdoodle - Princess Giggler
*Snip13 - Princess NST (never Stops Talking)

Collectively, this groups is known "makesmelaughalot"

Katy - bounces-off-wall
Jackson - The Quiet One
Makenna - Little never-stops-talking-Monkey

Anyone else want to join my clan? We serve blueberry pancakes every Saturday morning.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
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I know it's horrible but I love mom's name. I got to talk to Makenna this morning. Wow was she in a chatty mood. Was way too much fun. Rol and I just laughed and smiled the entire time.
Princess NST likes her name :) It's much like the Indian Name I chose for myself lol!
Princess NST signing out before I live up to my name again :p
Granee-Auntee, and the venerable Lady Bakesalot - Teacher and friend, who has been assigned by the powers that be, to teach the Makesmelaughalot tribe the fine art of baking, and who has been adopted into the tribe as Blood Sister to Granee-Auntee, who is the official baby-holder of said tribe.

Now, we need a tribal slogan.

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

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