Red onion vs white onion vs green onion

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White onions are the "hottest". Yellow/brown onions are less hot, red/purple onions are the mildest of the three. Then there are sweet onions. Their skin is brown but they are very mild and sweeter - look for Vidalia onions.
Those are the ones I buy, when they're available. They are so good. 99% of the time, however, I buy the sweet onions. I eat a LOT of onions. Cooked or raw, I put them in just about everything. Just last night I fixed Tempura onions and I also love stuffed baked onions. Onions onions onions. I have to restock my supply every time I go to the store.

During summertime, my local farm market sells what they call Candy Onions. Intensely sweet.
At one time I did have to chop up a large amount (think it was 10#) I wore goggles but it didn't help as those air borne brats went up my nose, into the tear ducts and my eyes still teared up. LOL that's when I learned to run the knife under water - frequently.
Cutting sweet onions never bothers me. But yellow and white onions have me constantly walking away to get out of their line of fire. That's one of the reasons (along with personal taste preference) that I only buy sweet or Vidalia.

I also love pearl onions. Once they're blanched and peeled, I can eat them like candy. Love tossing them into roasts of any kind.
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