Cock a Leekie soup

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Executive Chef
Nov 16, 2004
I use Imperial measurements, which I believe are different to US pints!

COCK A LEEKIE SOUP (Scottish for chicken and leeks)

Cock a leekie soup is a thin broth. Some people add potatoes as well as rice - but my family never did! I believe that the classic 16th century soup also included a handful of prunes - again, my family recipe does not use them!

Medium sized chicken
3.5 pints of water
3 bay leaves
Large sprig of thyme
10 black peppercorns - whole, don't crush
4 large leeks, cut into slices about an inch long
4 large carrots - three cut into sticks, not too thin - one coarsely grated
1 oz long grain rice (I use Basmati)
Salt and pepper to season

Put chicken into water and bring to boil. Add carrots and leeks, peppercorns, bay leaves, thyme and season to taste and simmer for 1.5 hours or until chicken is well cooked.

Remove chicken and eat with veg as a main course. (Or, to make a thicker soup, just take some of the meat off the bones and put back into soup.)

Sprinkle in the washed rice and continue simmering until rice is cooked.

Serve with home-made granary bread.
Cock A Leekie Soup is sooo good, so rich and yet so light. A real soul-warmer in the Winter. I'm truly enjoying comparing your offerings to my own collections and I make mine simply, as you do, Ishbel. I like to use wild rice. And of the ten or twelve versions of this soup I have, there are additions true of potatoes, swedes and even currants or sultans...and yes, prunes! (Shudder on that one, though!)

There is a big difference in Imperial vs. US pints. An Imperial Pint is 20 ounces, where our US pint is one Imperial Pint is approximately 2-1/2 US cups.

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