What would be a good idea to store recipes?

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Sous Chef
Aug 8, 2007
Augusta, Ga
As far as a file on the computer. Is there any way to be fancy and organized? Or should I just copy and paste into notepad and keep a running list? What do you all do?

Not quite sure if this is the proper place so feel free to move.
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I have a recipes folder, than other folders inside that to break everything into categories ("real" food, sweets, etc). Each subfolder has a bunch of word documents in it containing recipes. There are also several websites that let you input recipes and create virtual cookbooks.
I pretty much do what Katie E does.

I create a folder in my Word program titled Recipes

Then I start naming accordingly so they are categorized i.e.,

APPETIZER - Smoked Salmon Lollipops
APPETIZER - Texas Caviar
ENTREE - POULTRY - Chicken Lombardi
PIE - SAVORY - Tomato Pie
PIE - SWEET - Libby's Pumpkin Pie
VEGETABLES - Peas with Rosemary & Pine Nuts
SIDE DISH - old-Fashioned Coleslaw

etc., etc. The list goes on and on. When you enter a new name it alphabetizes itself. Anything is also easily changed. If you want to use more categories such as:

APPETIZER - WINGS - Basic Buffalo Wings

You can get as precise as you want.

Good Luck!
Well that was easy enough! I don't know why I didn't think of that myself. Thanks guys for kick-starting my brain.:rolleyes:

Need to go back over a LOT of threads to get the recipes I wanted.
I use MS WORD to record my recipes in a standard format, using standard abbreviations.

In Windows Explorer I have a folder named RECIPES.

Within that folder, I have catagory folders such as Meat, Poultry, Desserts, Pasta, etc.

Within each of those folders I have a subfolder named COOKBOOK. In the COOKBOOK folder, I keep all the recipes I have made and added to my hard copy cookbook.

Within the catagory folders, separate from the COOKBOOK folder I have all the untried recipes I have collected for that category.
I prefer a spreadsheet over a word processor document.
jeninga75 et all,
I am with jet on this one although I don't keep recipes on my computer.
A spreadsheet like Excel is great because you can even tabulate food content and generate graphics or charts showing % of fat, salt, proteins, etc. I know it sounds complicated, but this is great when planning a balanced menu.
I like Mastercook, but this year we bought a program that keeps track of food and excercise, also you can enter prices on your groceries and make grocry lists with pricing.
It takes some effort to get things in there, but once you've used it awhile it is very simple.
These all sound like good ideas, I have been putting ideas in bookmarks online... and setting up sub categories like dessert, drinks, side dishes, etc. But i think once I've made a recipe then I'm going to put it into a notepad format.. or I might do the old-fashioned, write it on an index card and put it in a box thing...
These all sound like good ideas, I have been putting ideas in bookmarks online... and setting up sub categories like dessert, drinks, side dishes, etc. But i think once I've made a recipe then I'm going to put it into a notepad format.. or I might do the old-fashioned, write it on an index card and put it in a box thing...

...or you could print them from your computer onto index cards!
I have a recipe folder that i copy and paste recipes into..then if i like it i print it,,put into a plastic sleeve then in my recipe binder that has divided sections.

Be sure to back them up..ya never know when a hard drive may die.
If you are cool and have OSX (Apple Computer) then you can have a tabbed Word document. I have a document for each category of food (Desserts, Soups, Main Dishes, etc.) and then within that I have each tab name be the recipe that is on that tab.

Another wayt o do this would be in Microsoft Excel, just name the tabs the name of the dish, make the whole background of the page white and type the recipe. Lines up perfectly, looks professional, and you can set print areas for quick and easy printing :)
Wouldn't it be simpler to have a separate WORD document for each recipe and file it in an appropriate folder?
Not for me. I never know what I want to eat until I flip through it and see what sounds good :)

Edit: I guess you can do that your way too :bangin:

Size is smaller when you don't have a lot of different files, less time to skim through recipes if you don't have to open different documents for each one, faster to transfer and update IMO. I keep all of my stuff on a flash drive (with my car / bike / renters insurance / other important documents) so size is important... and yes.... smaller is better for once :LOL:
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I keep my recipes in Word and name the folders and subfolders accordingly, i.e. recipes, appetizers, desserts, main dishes.

I print off my favorites recipes (tried and true) and keep them in a binder. I find the notebook very handy. I can use a larger font so I can easily glance at the recipes. I use protective sheets too. If I splatter, I can just wipe them off.
Hmm, I have tried many of these, but I end up with my favourites in plastic sleeves sitting inside my recipe binder cover, not where they belong. And when I need a recipe, I frequently head to the computer, and google, and then end up in places like this where I browse until my desire to cook goes away.
I've used MasterCook for years. It's very easy to import new recipes, by hand or from the various cooking websites, and use the program to keep everything organized for easy searching for what I want.

A few years ago I bought some 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 3-ring notebooks which I've used for my own recipe books. The half page recipes are printed out, hole punched and placed in my books. Since I cook for "one", all those commercial cook books have been tossed in the trash since I know I will never cook any of that fancy stuff for 6-8 people.

I've tried other programs over the years, but MasterCook still ends up being the best IMO.

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