Tell me about your week

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Master Chef
Sep 4, 2004
Galena, IL
The highlight of my week was that on Weds night I started to feel like an allergy attack was hitting me. Now, this simply isn't possible. It was below zero outside. Then I got a weird swelling on my butt. I told my husband that it felt like I'd gotten bitten by a bunch of mosquitoes. He looked and, lo and behold, a spider had bitten me twice. Revenge, I suppose (I'd decided to clean our bedroom, top to bottom, in and out, and it's a 150+ year old house, so lots of cobwebs). I decided to just bandage it with some cortisone ointment simply so that I wouldn't scratch it or my panty line wouldn't irritate it. So, what did you do this week?
in a word, or two

baby goats

I had 7 baby goats born this week and I spent yesterday at a friends farm helping to save a weak new born...we did save it, seemed like a miracle considering the condition of the kid when I first saw it..
How sweet beth! :)

My week was extremely busy at work, and I didn't do much this weekend besides cook and went shopping yesterday. My BF, Mark, was sick since Thursday night. It was his birthday yesterday, and he spent the whole day in his pajamas. We were supposed to go to his aunt's house tonight for his birthday dinner and the fact that she just got out of the hospital. I've had a "funny" stomach all day. I was nautious earlier, now it just feels like I drank way too much coffee, even though I haven't had a drop. It could be the energy drink I had this morning on an empty stomach, or I picked up a slight bug that Mark had. I hope not.

I bought his aunt a couple of plants yesterday (hyacinth and tulips), but decided to lay low tonight, in case I am coming down with something. I'm trying to decide if I should eat dinner. I had a handful of tortilla chips with some french onion dip, and so far I'm okay. We'll have to wait and see. That is about it for me.
Let me see...

Monday, I spent a large portion of the day cutting bias strips (20 yards) to make cording for some cushions for a customer's kitchen chairs and a rocker. I also created a "master" pattern for some other chairs for her. Stained a dining room table and base in readiness for final finishing.

Designed and mapped out the yardage for some window treatments for another client.

Finished two afghans for our children for this next Christmas and began a christening gown for one of our children who is expecting a child in September.

Attended a wonderful performance of The Wizard of Oz, in which my youngest brother had a key role. All the actors were super!!!

Ready to CRASH!! Been a wonderful weekend, but I'm too old for this.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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