Hershey's Crunchers Cookies And Creme Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

This item was found by me at Wal-mart in a big 6.5 ounce bag for about 3 bucks.

You get mini chocolate cookies and graham flavored wafers covered in white creme!!

Each piece was small, except for one chunk I had.

Taste here was amazing. Really could taste the chocolate and graham flavor wafers. Really did have that cookie and creme flavor.

A big thumbs up and a must buy if you can find it.
ONTO the resse's flavor..

This one included Mini peanut butter chips, puffs, and peanuts covered in milk chocolate.

This flavor just was not crunchy.

Sure did taste like peanut butter.

Taste was fine if you like peanut butter.

I could only give this item a medium sized thumbs up.
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