New ads?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sounds like I should give Firefox a try.
Does anyone here run a Google taskbar with Firefox? I imagine FF would let me install it since IE did...

I run the Google taskbar on FF. No issue at all with install or usage.
It didn't act right from first use. I couldn't get anywhere with it, it kept telling me there was no data transfer and that was here at DC...I would reply to a post and have to resubmit it three or four times before it would take. Frustrating!

I have had that issue with Chrome, but not as seriously as that, and only in the past week.

I downloaded the new FF and it cleans up memory properly now, when I close it.
I have had that issue with Chrome, but not as seriously as that, and only in the past week.

I downloaded the new FF and it cleans up memory properly now, when I close it.

If it's a new issue...I caught it when it first started and it soured me from the first use. Shrek says he's not having any problem at all with Chrome. But, he doesn't hop around as much as I do on the 'net.
Am I still the only one using IE that is getting these ads?
I dowloaded the latest adaware a couple days ago and that stopped the pop ups from plastering themselves across the screen. Again, only on this forum, none of the others that I am on and some of them are pretty ad heavy, but just now when viewing a thread I had audio playing from the video ad you can see here. I held my cursor over the ad and no controls appeared to stop either the ad or the audio. Right clicking did not give me any options either. And hitting escape did nothing. The whole thing played until it was over.

What is up with all these ads here?


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    DC screenshot3.jpg
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BTW, I had to scoll up to see where the sound was even coming from. I was on the last post when it started playing and thought I was picking up sound from who knows where.
I have zero (0) ads on any D.C. page. I'm running Windows XP v.3 using Firefox 5.0 with

Ad Block Plus 1.3.8
Redirect Remover 2.6.4
Microsoft .net framework assistant 0.0.0

And under Firefox "Options - Privacy" I don't accept Third Party Cookies.

I also use "PC Tools - Spyware Doctor with Antivirus" as a screener to bad websites.

This works for me! :bb:
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I wouldn't expect to have to run anything above and beyond the normal spyware/adaware programs unless I was on a malicious website. That's why I can't understand why I am being bombarded here.
I just started to pickup the audio as I read this thread.

For the last couple of weeks I have been getting a new type of annoying pop up ads but, only on DC.

I use Norton and I am too cheap to spend any more money. The only thing I do is vow not to buy any of the products being offered.
One of the reasons I love the IPad app for DC is there are no ads. When I go to the site with FF on my PC, it just seems so busy.
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I just started to pickup the audio as I read this thread.

For the last couple of weeks I have been getting a new type of annoying pop up ads but, only on DC.

I use Norton and I am too cheap to spend any more money. The only thing I do is vow not to buy any of the products being offered.

Ahhh thank you!
I am not alone! :)
Sometimes the ad networks get ads injected that are over the top, or even malicious.

I will pass this thread higher up so it can be looked into. Do you remember the product the ad was for?
I got the same annoying ad blaring from my speakers. I don't know why I got it but I just turned the speaked off. I hope it stops soon.
Sorry, Frank. I don't remember what it was for. And it doesn't look like you can tell from my screenshot.
But if you're going to pass it further up :) ... I don't like child exploitation or animal abuse ads showing a chewed on, muzzled bear either. Kind of disturbing for a cooking forum.
I got two, Frank.
DC opened on the index page. I clicked on New Posts and a Xerox pop up vid started playing when the New Posts page loaded. There was no sound with this ad. You had the option of clicking for sound.
Then I clicked on back, then on this thread to mention the ad and another pop up vid started playing when this thread page loaded. This one for Auto Trader. No sound with this one either. I clicked my mouse's left button and the ad vanished (I thought) but really it just moved to the right side on my screen. Passing my cursor over the ad brings it to life. My cursor may have been hovering over the ad when the page loaded...
they have ads on how to exploit children, sell used cars, make photocopies of your butt, and harm bears?

that's horrible!!!

no one should harm bears


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