Cornish Pasties

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Senior Cook
Jan 4, 2007
Moscow, Russia.
Cornish Pasties.​


250g Plain flour
125g butter
pinch salt
Iced water
Beef skirt steak
Salt & pepper

First make the pastry. Start by freezing the butter and putting the water in the freezer until it starts to form ice. Sieve the flower into a bowl and add a pinch of salt. Grate the frozen butter into the flour and bring it together roughly but gently with a fork, add the iced water a bit at a time until the dough leaves the sides of the bowl and starts to come together. Make it into a ball and cover in cling film and let to rest in the fridge for thirty minutes or so.

Prepare the filling. Chop the onion finely, peel and cube the potato chop the beef into small pieces and dredge in seasoned flour.

Remove the pastry from the fridge and divide into four, roll out on a floured surface into a round disc the size of a tea plate. Place the potato cubes in the middle and top with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, place the onion on top and again another sprinkle of salt and pepper, place the meat on top then cut a few fine slivers of butter and lay this on top of the meat. Brush the edges of the pastry with egg wash and bring together and crimp with your fingers. Place on a baking tray and coat the outside with generous amounts of egg wash to get a nice golden colour.

Place into the oven on 180c for approx 45 minutes or until nice and golden brown, place on a wire rack and leave to cool slightly.



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Rozz the list is endless when it comes to fillings for a pasty! This recipe is just the traditional cornish recipe but when I was living in England I would regularly have curry pasties, ham and cheese pasties etc etc! Let your imagination run wild when it comes to making these:chef:
Off the top of my head, I'm thinking minced beef, ginger, garlic, peas, potatoes, onions, and maybe some tomato paste. And a few serrano chiles thrown in, because I can't resist those damn things.
Cheers for the recipe!

A 2-to-1 ratio of flour to butter? I think this will have to be an occasional meal or I may have to buy larger trousers. :)

I've always had pasties with swedes (the orange-ish root vegetables we call rutabagas here in the states) in addition to the other fillings, so I'd probably add those.

Thanks again!
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I'm also a sucker for chillis in everything:) It's sounding a little like a keema pasty?:) What do you think? I'm also thinking that might not of been done before but would taste heavenly! I mean, you have keema naan so why not keema pasty?!

Maybe we could start a thread on ideas for a new keema pasty?:)
I'm also a sucker for chillis in everything:) It's sounding a little like a keema pasty?:) What do you think? I'm also thinking that might not of been done before but would taste heavenly! I mean, you have keema naan so why not keema pasty?!

Maybe we could start a thread on ideas for a new keema pasty?:)

I like the cut of your jib, mister. I can probably just use my keema recipe and pile it into a pasty. Yay!
Cheers for the recipe!

A 2-to-1 ratio of flour to butter? I think this will have to be an occasional meal or I may have to buy larger trousers. :)

I've always had pasties with swedes (rutabagas) in addition to the other fillings, so I'd probably add those.

Thanks again!

Hi Steve:) I know it was quite rich but it just took me back to my childhood because they were always rich and buttery and as with most things, if it's tasty it's not so good on the waistline but I only made four and they will last me..........................another few hours:LOL:

I looked up the traditional recipe which was without swedes but I know many people do include them, I was going to include them to be honest because like swede myself but they are hard to find here in Moscow, they have something similar looking but much different taste:) Still not got around to finding out what it actually is(to do list)

Thanks for your comments anyway, much appreciated:)
My friend's mother makes pasties and they are OMG delicious. I believe she uses Turnips in hers though, instead of potatoes maybe? Can't remember but I need to attempt this only because I love them so much and I think they would be easy just a little time consuming to make.
My friend's mother makes pasties and they are OMG delicious. I believe she uses Turnips in hers though, instead of potatoes maybe? Can't remember but I need to attempt this only because I love them so much and I think they would be easy just a little time consuming to make.

Trust me Fluffy, these are just heavenly!! I was shocked myself because I'm useless at making pastry normally but thanks to Bolas here on the site I used his tip for freezing the butter and grating it into the flower and the pastry was perfect. Also, dredging the beef in seasoned flour and then topping it off with the butter it created an ever so slight gravy/juice inside the pasty which the potato had soaked up and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

It took a little while but tomorrow I'm going to make some more and have a day at it and freeze them.
...or samosas, which are already like miniature deep fried Indian pasties.

I once had a pasty that was filled with lamb curry. Delicious!

Oh Steve now your talking :LOL: Keema samosas, they are delish!! Yeah, I guess they are already a kind of pasty but with using the different pastry for pasties it still could taste unique don't you think?

Oh wow, lamb curry pasty? could life get any better :LOL:
Nice one Jonny - loving the receep and the photos. I use the cold butter from freezer trick too for my pastry. Bolas probably stole it from me when I wasnt looking.
Nice one Jonny - loving the receep and the photos. I use the cold butter from freezer trick too for my pastry. Bolas probably stole it from me when I wasnt looking.

Check your pockets, if Bolas got the recipe, I bet he got other things, too!:LOL:

(just kidding, love you Bolas!)
Nice one Jonny - loving the receep and the photos. I use the cold butter from freezer trick too for my pastry. Bolas probably stole it from me when I wasnt looking.
Blimey oh riley Granitas I got the trick from the recipe stone that came with me Mam's 1959 Kenwood chef, she did not use it for 20 yrs as the dingle was not electrified.:yum:
Ps the recipe by Kenwood is called Rough Puff Pastry, you can use the mincer to shred frozen lard, its smooth puff pastry or Jasmin le Bon.
JJ fantastic food porn at its best. Thankfully I the wet pat on my lap is dribble for a few moments I thought I had a senior.........................i'll get my coat.:)

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